
Collection of three.js examples using lygia shader library

Lygia Examples

These are examples of how to use LYGIA Shader Library with three.js

Example Preveiw
forward rendering [basic] Forward rendering [basic]
forward rendering [advanced], 5 x 5 PBR Materials Forward rendering [advanced]

How to start?

Clone this repository recursivelly

git clone --recursive git@github.com:guidoschmidt/lygia_threejs_examples.git

Run the examples

The repository contains several examples in the ./examples folder. Each example is its own sub-project. You can start each example as following:

Using yarn

cd examples/forward-rendering.basic
yarn install
yarn dev

Using npm

cd examples/forward-rendering.basic
npm install
npm run dev

Open Issues & Ideas

  • Use THREE.js internal light shadow map. Currently it looks like there's an incosistency when using light.shadow.map.texture as the shadow map texture.
  • Create a custom LygiaMaterial in order to integrate into THREE.js render pipeline
  • Pass all PBR material parameters to the Lygia shaders/materials