
Repository of my p5.js workshop 'Intro to Generative Illustrations' at Captcha Design Festival (captcha-mannheim.de) in Mannheim

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Repository for the Workshop held 30.08. — 01.09. @ Capctha 2022 Design Festival / Mannheim

You can also checkout this p5 web editor collection, if you prefer working with the online editor.

Project Structure

  • public will contain all images, which we will be using (it's like the data folder of processing sketches or the bin/data/ folder of openFramework apps)
  • src contains all of our source code, with the following sub-directories:
    • index.html is just a plain HTML page to have a simple space for listing all of our sketches.
    • p5 contains a copy of the p5js library, as well as a not yet released ui library for p5js.
    • tools contains the TexturedShape class its shader code, which we will be using during the workshop.
    • scss contains a bit of CSS/SCSS to give the overall project a bit of styling.
    • _template contains a minimal template sketch, which you can copy and rename to start with your own sketch, e.g.
      cd src/
      cp _template landscapes
      To see the copied sketch folder in the overview, you need to edit src/index.html!

Getting Started

To run this project on your device, you will need to have node.js installed.

The project setup uses parcel.js to provide hot-code reloading. To install all the necesarry dependencies, use your favourite node.js project manager, like npm or yarn

  • yarn install or npm install to install necesarry tools and packages
  • yarn dev or npm run dev to spin up the development server (start the project)

Build Project

To put the project with all its sketches on a web server, you have to build it first using npm run build or yarn build. This will produce a htdocs folder, which can be served by a web server like MAMPP.

During the workshop we were using a simple portable webserver, called caddy. The start-server command in /htdocs is simply that webserver executable/binary, but renamed to start-server for better comprehensability.

To run the project on another machine, e.g. on the Mac Minis of the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim:

  • npm run build on your local machine (laptop, desktop). This will produce a bundled website in the htdocs folder
  • You can move the htdocs folder to another web server or machine:
    • Put htdocs onto an USB stick
    • Copy the htdocs folder somewhere on the new machine, e.g. Desktop/captcha/htdocs
    • Use the terminal (shell) to move to that directory, e.g. cd Desktop/captcha/htdocs
    • Run ./start-server (on older macs. If your target machine already runs a M1 machine, use ./start-server-m1-macs)
    • The server should start and you can open http://localhost:2015 in a browser