
Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir.

Hex.pm Version Hex docs Build Status Coverage Status Inline docs Hex.pm

This README follows master, which may not be the currently published version. Here are the docs for the latest published version of Quantum.


To use Quantum in your project, edit the mix.exs file and add Quantum to

1. the list of dependencies:

defp deps do
  [{:quantum, "~> 2.2"},
   {:timex, "~> 3.0"}]

2. and create a scheduler for your app:

defmodule YourApp.Scheduler do
  use Quantum.Scheduler,
    otp_app: :your_app

3. and your application's supervision tree:

defmodule YourApp.Application do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

    children = [
      # This is the new line
      worker(YourApp.Scheduler, [])

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: YourApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


To see more transparently what quantum is doing, configure the logger to display :debug messages.

config :logger,
  level: :debug

If you encounter any problems with quantum, please search if there is already an open issue addressing the problem.

Otherwise feel free to open an issue. Please include debug logs.

Migrate to V2

See the Migration Guide.


Configure your cronjobs in your config/config.exs like this:

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  jobs: [
    # Every minute
    {"* * * * *",      {Heartbeat, :send, []}},
    # Every 15 minutes
    {"*/15 * * * *",   fn -> System.cmd("rm", ["/tmp/tmp_"]) end},
    # Runs on 18, 20, 22, 0, 2, 4, 6:
    {"0 18-6/2 * * *", fn -> :mnesia.backup('/var/backup/mnesia') end},
    # Runs every midnight:
    {"@daily",         {Backup, :backup, []}}

More details on the usage can be found in the Documentation


This project uses the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4) for all code changes.

"Everyone, without distinction or discrimination, SHALL have an equal right to become a Contributor under the terms of this contract."


  1. Check for open issues or open a new issue to start a discussion around a problem.
  2. Issues SHALL be named as "Problem: description of the problem".
  3. Fork the quantum-elixir repository on GitHub to start making your changes
  4. If possible, write a test which shows that the problem was solved.
  5. Send a pull request.
  6. Pull requests SHALL be named as "Solution: description of your solution"
  7. Your pull request is merged and you are added to the list of contributors


Apache License, Version 2.0