
Match your query fuzzy on given target

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Match your query fuzzy on given target

Build Status npm version Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities code style: prettier

Example (UI excluded)

Input = he

Result = highlighted characters


Below is the type definition of the exported functions. For any issues or questions, just create an issue and I'll respond asap.

export declare type MatchResult = {
    offset: number;
    positions: number[];
    extraChars: number;
    trailingChars: number;

 * Try to find a given query in a given target in a "fuzzy" manner.
 * @param query the string you search with
 * @param target the string you search in
 * @param characterLimit maximum amount of characters in result. Example: { " ": 6, ".": 0 } means a sentence with a maximum of 6 spaces.
export declare function matchFuzzy(query: string, target: string, characterLimit?: {
    [character: string]: number;
}): MatchResult | null;

 * Array sort function in order: extra chars, offset, trailing chars.
 * @param a result a
 * @param b result b
export declare function sort(a: MatchResult, b: MatchResult): 1 | -1 | 0;