
Obfuscates your identifier to a hashed integer

Primary LanguagePHP

With this little package you are able to transform your internal id's to obfuscated integers easily in Laravel and Lumen 5.1. The package is made on top of jenssegers/optimus and is similar to Hashids.
If you use this library and use the traits that comes with it, you will be able to get a hashed identifier by using the hashed_id attribute. So $model->hashed_id will contain you hashed id.
If you want to change the attribute name, you can have a look at the usage section.


composer require guidsen/fake-identifier


The hashing algorithm depends on 3 integers.

  • A large prime number lower than 2147483647
  • The inverse prime so that (PRIME * INVERSE) & MAXID == 1
  • A large random integer lower than 2147483647

You can calculate a prime number yourself, or pick one from this list.
Once you have selected a prime number, you can use the included console command to calculated the inverse prime that is used for the decoding process and generate a random integer:

> php vendor/bin/optimus spark YOUR_PRIME

Prime: 1580030173
Inverse: 59260789
Random: 1163945558

Because the helpers depend on the container binding you will have to bind the instance to the container with the optimus key. This will look like (fill in your the values you just generated):

$this->app->bind('optimus', function () {
    $optimus = new \Guidsen\FakeIdentifier\Optimus(15468539, 1296427827, 340274557);
    return $optimus;


The library comes with two helper traits.
FakeIdentifier: This trait should be used in your model. This will add a attribute containing the hashed id.
FakeIdentifierHelper: This trait should be used in your controllers or base controller. It will contain a encode and decode method which could be usefull.

The attribute which will contain the hashed id, default to hashed_id. You can change this to your own favorite id by using the setAttributeName method on the Optimus instance in the container binding.

$optimus = new \Guidsen\FakeIdentifier\Optimus(15468539, 1296427827, 340274557);