
Browser extension for strava. Stravistix analyse deeper your activities and segments efforts ! And more...

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Install StravistiX

From a Chrome based browser

Go to http://thomaschampagne.github.io/stravistix/

You should be able to install it in all Chrome based browser such as Chrome, Chrome Canary, Chromium, Opera, Vivaldi, Yandex, and more ...

From continuous integration

Using latest develop branch builds: https://bintray.com/thomaschampagne/stravistix/travis-ci-builds/develop#files

Install steps with a standalone build: https://github.com/thomaschampagne/stravistix/wiki/How-to-install-stravistix-build-archive

From the sources

Go to chapter Environnement setup.


Project structure description

The project is splitted in 2 sub-projects: the core and the embedded app.


The core contains the plugin's behaviour that acts directly on strava.com website. This include extended stats on activities & segments efforts, best splits, google maps support, etc...

The core sources are located in plugin/core directory

Embedded app

The embedded app contains features like fitness trend, year progressions, ... and global plugin settings such as common settings, athlete settings & zones settings.

The embedded app sources are located in plugin/app directory

Notice: The plugin/common directory contains sources shared by both sub-projects.

Description of frameworks & tools used.

Core and embedded app have been developed using TypeScript language. TypeScript adds typing & class-based syntax over javascript then compile back to JavaScript. Understand TypeScript in 5 minutes.

At a glance...

Core dependencies

  • SystemJS as dynamic EcmaScript module loader.
  • Q as promise library for JavaScript.
  • Chart.js for JavaScript charting.

Embedded app dependencies

Shared dependencies

  • Lodash to get a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers in typescript/javascript.
  • MomentJS to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times.


  • NodeJS as javascript runtime environnement.
  • Npm as package manager to fetch project dependencies

Environnement setup

Install requirements

Here's what you need to install to run the extension in a chrome based browser:

  • Chrome based browser (Chrome, Chromium, Chrome Canary, Opera,...), of course...
  • NodeJS here. Version 8+ is recommended.

That's all :)

Clone the project


git clone https://github.com/thomaschampagne/stravistix.git

Or using SSH

git clone git@github.com:thomaschampagne/stravistix.git

Fetch NPM dependencies

The npm command should be now installed on your system through the NodeJS installation.

Enter in project directory

cd stravistix

Then install NPM dependencies with

npm install

Build plugin

Once you installed the NPM dependencies, you can build the plugin with the following command:

npm run build

Both core and embedded app will be builded.

Once the build is completed, the plugin will be located in dist/ directory.

A production build can be also run with

npm run build:prod

This will disable TypeScript debug sources map and enable Ahead-of-Time compilation for embedded app.

Load plugin into your browser

Into your chrome based browser:

  • Open new tab and type chrome://extensions, then enter.
  • Tick Developer Mode checkbox.
  • Click Load Unpacked Extension button, then choose dist/ directory (this is where you have the manifest.json file)
  • Make sure to disable others instances of stravistix. You can re-enable them back from same tab.
  • Open strava.com

Build plugin on files changes

In order to avoid to re-run the painfull npm run build task on each file changes. You could run the following command:

npm start

This task will watch for files changes and automatically rebuild plugin to dist/ directory. It's a way more suitable and faster for a development workflow.

Run unit tests

The below command will run core and embedded app unit tests into a headless chrome.

npm test

Should be run and has to pass before any work submission.


You can package the extension with the following command

npm run package

A production build will be executed for this task.

On packaging done, a release archive will be generated in package/ directory.

Clean project

Simply run

npm run clean

This will clean dist/, package/ & *.js *.map generated files

Git-Flow Repository structure

The project repository is fitted for GitFlow branches management workflow.

Learn more @ http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/