
A python implementation of the ThingSet protocol

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Send and receive message via ThingSet protocol over CAN

Create CAN socket

sudo modprobe vcan
sudo ip link add vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set vcan0 up

Test socket

candump -L vcan0
cansend vcan0 012#deadbeef

prepare python env (not needed but advised)

In directory with requirements.txt:

virtualenv -p python3 .thingset
source .thingset/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

You can skip the first two commands, then all python packages will be added to your computer's python installation! You can leave the environment simply with



At the moment you have to use the python shell. I script for nicer commands is on the way.

listen to a single packet

from thingset.cansocket import CANsocket
sock = CANsocket('vcan0')  # or other interface
frame = sock.receive()
print(frame.data) # raw data
print(frame.cbor) # cbor decoded data

listen to packets in a loop:

from thingset.cansocket import CANsocket
sock = CANsocket('vcan0')  # or other interface
  frame = sock.receive()

parse can trace

Assuming the trace file ist called "trace123.csv":

from thingset.parser import playback

send dummy data via cansend to test:

cansend vcan0 014#8000FA3FF33333
cansend vcan0 014#8000820C16
cansend vcan0 014#8000C48221196AB3
cansend vcan0 014#8080C48221196AB3

The output should look like this:

Message from ID 20 -> 0: 1.899999976158142
Message from ID 20 -> 0: [12, 22]
Message from ID 20 -> 0: 273.15
Error receiving package from ID 20. Error code: 0x80