DiscordWebhookMessage Logo



A .NET library to enable you to send rich formatted bot messages in discord


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Making WebHook Url with discord

Click here to Discord tutorial

  • Sign in to Slack
  • Open your Server Settings and head into the Integrations tab
  • Click the "Create Webhook" button to create a new webhook
  • You will be given a WebHook Url. Keep this private. Use it when you set up the DiscordWebhookMessage. See example below.

How to Use

Create a Webhook

DiscordWebhookClient discordWebhookClient = new DiscordWebhookClient(WebhookURL);
DiscordWebhookClient discordWebhookClient = new DiscordWebhookClient(WebhookURL, Username);
DiscordWebhookClient discordWebhookClient = new DiscordWebhookClient(WebhookURL, Username, AvatarURL);

Send Messages Async

discordWebhookClient.SendMessageAsync(string content, bool tts = false)
discordWebhookClient.SendMessageAsync(Embed embed, string content = null, bool tts = false)
discordWebhookClient.SendMessageAsync(IEnumerable<Embed> embeds, string content = null, bool tts = false)

Send Messages

discordWebhookClient.SendMessage(string content, bool tts = false)
discordWebhookClient.SendMessage(Embed embed, string content = null, bool tts = false)
discordWebhookClient.SendMessage(IEnumerable<Embed> embeds, string content = null, bool tts = false)

Embed Example

Embed Factory

Embed embedFactory = new EmbedFactory()
    .SetTitle($"Title here")
    .SetDescription("Description Here")
    .AddField("Field 1", "Value 1", true)
    .AddField("Field 2", "Value 2", true)
    .SetFooter("Guilherme Alves")

Embed Instaciate

Embed embed = new Embed() 
    Title = "Title example",
    Url = "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/06/04/22/05/typewriter-5260673_960_720.jpg",
    Color = 3093173,
    Fields = new List < Field > 
      new Field() 
        Name = "Field 1",
        Value = "Field Value"

Here is an example


string discordWebhookUrl = "Your URL webhook";
string username = "Your Username";
string avatarUrl = "https://img2.gratispng.com/20180920/yko/kisspng-computer-icons-portable-network-graphics-avatar-ic-5ba3c66df14d32.3051789815374598219884.jpg";

DiscordWebhookClient discordWebhookClient = new DiscordWebhookClient(discordWebhookUrl, username, avatarUrl);

Embed embedFactory = new EmbedFactory()
    .SetTitle($"Title with URL")
    .SetDescription("Description Here")
    .AddField("Field 1", "Value 1", true)
    .AddField("Field 2", "Value 2", true)
    .SetFooter("Guilherme Alves")

await discordWebhookClient.SendMessageAsync(embedFactory);


Result of discord message