
A smart contract for registering vaults for payments.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fee collector smart contract

A smart contract for registering vaults for payments.

A detailed documentation of the contract can be found in the docs folder.


To run the project you need Node.js development environment (version 12 or newer).

Pull the repository from GitHub, then install its dependencies by executing this command:

npm install

Certain actions, like deploying to a public network or verifying source code on block explorers, need environment variables in a file named .env. See .env.example for more info.

Some additional steps before deployment

Open scripts/deploy-feecollector.ts. Notice the top constants:

const guildTreasury = "0x..."; // The address that will receive Guild's share from the funds.
const totalFeeBps = 0; // The percentage of Guild's and any partner's share expressed in basis points (e.g 500 for a 5% cut).

Edit them according to your needs.

Contract deployment

To deploy the smart contracts to a network, replace [networkName] with the name of the network and [scriptName] with the name of the script you wish to run in this command:

npx hardhat run scripts/[scriptName] --network [networkName]

Networks can be configured in hardhat.config.ts. We've preconfigured the following:

  • hardhat (for local testing, default)
  • ethereum (Ethereum Mainnet)
  • goerli (Görli Ethereum Testnet)
  • sepolia (Sepolia Ethereum Testnet)
  • bsc (BNB Smart Chain)
  • bsctest (BNB Smart Chain Testnet)
  • polygon (Polygon Mainnet (formerly Matic))
  • mumbai (Matic Mumbai Testnet)
  • gnosis (Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain))
  • arbitrum (Arbitrum One (Mainnet))
  • base (Base Mainnet)
  • optimism (Optimism Mainnet)
  • cronos (Cronos Mainnet)
  • mantle (Mantle Network Mainnet)
  • ontology (Ontology EVM Mainnet)


For source code verification on block explorers, you can use the Etherscan plugin:

npx hardhat verify [contractAddress] [constructorArguments] --network [networkName]

Note: the contract's address and the constructor arguments are printed by the deploy script, so they can easily be copied to this command.

For more detailed instructions, check out the plugin's documentation here.


The project uses Solhint for Solidity smart contracts and ESLint for TypeScript files. To lint all files, simply execute:

npm run lint

To lint only the Solidity files:

npm run lint-contracts

To lint only the TypeScript files:

npm run lint-ts


To run the unit tests written for this project, execute this command in a terminal:

npm test

To run the unit tests only in a specific file, just append the path to the command. For example, to run tests just for FeeCollector:

npm test test/FeeCollector.spec.ts


The documentation for the contracts is generated via the solidity-docgen package. Run the tool via the following command:

npm run docgen

The output can be found in the docs folder.