
Widget to implement a table pull-to-refresh header in Titanium Alloy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NOTE: As from Titanium 3.2.0, the native UIRefreshControl will be supported for iOS. The Android version of this widget may still be of use to you but personally I think a refresh button is more user-friendly then this implementation. Therefor I will not actively maintain this module any further.

Alloy Pull to Refresh Widget


The Pull to Refresh widget implements the Pull to Refresh design pattern for the Alloy MVC framework for Titanium by Appcelerator. A Titanium Classic implementation can be found in the documentation.

Also take a look at my Infinite Scroll widget.


The widgets adds a HeaderPullView to a TableView that is shown when the users drags the view down when it is already scrolled to the top. An event is triggered so that the implementing controller can reload data.

Extend edges





  • Add the widget to your TableView using just one line of code.
  • Override all styling via your app's app.tss.
  • Manually trigger the widget from your controller.
  • Compatible with Android and other OS by using HeaderView

Future work

  • Support for ListViews.

Quick Start

  • Download the latest release.

  • Unzip the file to app/widgets/nl.fokkezb.pullToRefresh.

  • Add the widget as a dependency to your app/config.json file:

     	"dependencies": {
  • Add the widget to your TableView:

       <Collection src="myCollection" />
       <TableView dataCollection="myCollection">
         <Widget id="ptr" src="nl.fokkezb.pullToRefresh" onRelease="myLoader" />
         <TableViewRow title="{myColumn}" />
  • In the callback set via myLoader make sure you call e.hide() to hide the headerPullView when it is done loading. For example:

     function myLoader(e) {
     		success: e.hide,
     		error: e.hide


The widget can be fully styled without touching the widget source. Use the following ID's in your app's app.tss to override the default style:

ID Description
#ptr The background of the HeaderPullView
#ptrCenter Centers the contents, you probably only want to change bottom in conjuction with using the height parameter mentioned further on.
#ptrArrow The arrow image. Use WPATH('/images/white.png') to use the white instead of the default grey image, or roll your own.
#ptrIndicator The ActivityIndicator showing during load
#ptrText The text
#ptrLine The line separating the widget and the table


The widget texts can be overridden and translated via your strings.xml file, using the following names:

Name Default
msgPull Pull to refresh...
msgRelease Release to refresh...
msgUpdating Updating...


There are no required options to pass via TSS properties or XML attributes, apart from the onRelease attribute to bind your callback to the release-event.

Parameter Type Default
msgPull string Overrides Pull to refresh...
msgRelease string Overrides Release to refresh...
msgUpdating string Overrides Updating...
top (iOS) number If the top of the table is covered by another view - e.g. when using Ti.UI.Window.extendEges - set this to the height of that view (64 for both status and navigation bar)


You can also manually show and hide the view or trigger the complete cycle of the widget. You could use this for the first load when your window opens.

Function Parameters Usage
setOptions object Set any of the options
refresh Manually trigger pull + release
show Show the headerPullView
hide Hide the headerPullView
dettach Remove the headerPullView
attach Re-add the headerPullView after removal
init Ti.UI.TableView Manually init the widget if it's the child element of the table, or to work around TC-3417 in Alloy 1.3.0-cr.


  • 1.5.1.
    • Workaround for regression in Alloy 1.3.0-cr
    • Closes #17 by checking source of events
  • 1.5
    • New top option for compatibility with Ti.UI.Window.extendEdges on iOS7
    • Arrow now properly hidden on Android, using opacity
    • Default style updated to match Twitter on iOS7
  • 1.4
    • Now compatible with Android and other OS!
  • 1.3
    • From now on declared in the XML view instead of the controller!
    • Splitted init into setOptions and attach
    • Renamed remove to dettach
    • Renamed trigger to refresh to not interfere with BackBone
  • 1.2
    • Retina arrow images, including new (default) grey one
    • Removed text showing last update for more clear view
    • Easier styling
  • 1.1
    • Exposed new API functions to show/hide the view, set the date and trigger the widget manually.
    • Renamed load parameter to loader in line with upcomming widgets.
  • 1.0
    • Initial version


Copyright 2013 Fokke Zandbergen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.