
Project made within the 42 cursus.

Primary LanguageRust


Project made within the 42 cursus. https://cdn.intra.42.fr/pdf/pdf/5667/computorv2.en.pdf
This project is a simple computor capable of computing mathematical operation using complex number and matrix, solve simple polynomial equation.


This project use the 1.37.0 version of Rust, but younger version of the language should work too.
To install Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
To install the 1.37.0 or Stable: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/edition-guide/rust-2018/rustup-for-managing-rust-versions.html


make should compile the program and put the binary computor at the root of the project.

Simple usage

You can feed the program with mathematical instruction, it will solve them.


Matrix must respect a specific format to be recognised by the program.
A matrix content must be inside brackets, lines are separated by semi-colons.
Each line of a matrix must have the same number of value as its sisters.
Values in a line are separated by a coma.
See this example.


A variable can only name with alphabetical character and is case insensitive (It will be stored lowercase).
To assign a variable: varName = value.
The same notation is used to overwrite a variable.


A function can be assigned and overwrited the same way as a variable: functionName(arg1, arg2) = expression
It must have at least one argument name given between parenthesis, multiple arguments are separated by coma.
Each argument name must be unique for this function.

Polynomial equations

Equation are solved if their degree is below or equal to 2 and above 0.
Simply write an equation with an unknown (not previously set).
See this example.

Memory print

To print a value from memory use = ? after a variable or a function name.
Note that after an assignation and a computing, the result value is printed anyways.
Finally you can simply send ? to print all variable and function currently memorised.


Basic computing:

> 1 + 1
> 2 * [[0,i];[1,6]]
[ 0 , 2i ]
[ 2 , 12 ]
> (1 + 2) * 4 + 3 * (12 - 5 + 3)

Variable assignation:

> a = 42
> a = ?

Function assignation:

> f(x) = 3x^2
> f(3i)
- 27
> 12i + f(2)
12 + 12i

Polynomial equation solving:

x should not be assigned to a variable.

> x^2 + 2x + 1 = 0
Equation of degree 2:
 1 * x^2 + 2 * x + 1 = 0
Delta is null, 1 real solution:
x = - 1

Other informations

Optionnal flags

The following flags were implemented for debugging purpose, and are not required to use the program.

  • -v or --verbose will print some debug information, such as the token list and the token tree generated.
  • -b or --benchmark will print the execution duration of each part of the program.

Unit test

make test should execute a few unit test.
They mainly assert that the mathematical operations with imaginary and rational numbers are valid.