
This is my unofficial collection of FrSky firmwares to keep the 'old non ACCESS' firmwares online for the ones who don't want to update...

📍 Unofficial Collection of FrSky Firmwares ✈️

First things first.. i want to thank FrSky for there great products and support. As the title says this repository is a unofficial collection and is not supported by FrSky! This repository saves old firmwares to keep the old non ACCESS firmware alive!

Some informations, files, firmwares, etc that is hosted here are available through open access from https://www.frsky-rc.com/ and all the credit goes to FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd.

⚠️ If you have any questions or want a takedown, please don't hesitate to contact!

❤️ If you like this project and want to support further collection please consider making a pull request with additions.