
A Restful API based on Space Flight News, a public project with space flights data.

Primary LanguagePHP


Read this in other languages: Portuguese

A Restful API based on Space Flight News, a public project with space flights data.

This project is a case from the Code N' App intern program.

Must have


  • - [GET] / : Return "Space Flight News"
  • - [GET] /articles/ : List all articles from the database (must use pagination)
  • - [GET] /articles/{id} : Get info about one article
  • - [POST] /articles /: Add a new article
  • - [PUT] /articles/{id} : Update an article based on id
  • - [DELETE] /articles/{id} : Delete an article based on id
  • - [GET] /blogs/ : List all blog posts from the database (must use pagination)
  • - [GET] /blogs/{id} : Get info about one blog post
  • - [POST] /blogs/ : Add a new blog post
  • - [PUT] /blogs/{id} : Update a blog post based on id
  • - [DELETE] /blogs/{id} : Delete an blog post based on id


  • - Create a script to feed the database with all articles and blog posts from Space Flight News
  • - Create a CRON to run daily at 9am updating the database with new articles and blog posts from Space Flight News
  • - Create a alert to send an email if there is any failure during the synchronization
  • - Document the API using L5-Swagger
  • - Create unit tests for the API endpoints

Nice to have

  • - Continuous Delivery
  • - Login and control acess system
  • - Log history

Getting started

Installing the project

Open the terminal at the same directory that contains the file package.json, and execute:

php artisan key:generate

composer install

Executing the project

Open the terminal at the same directory that contains the file package.json, and execute:

php artisan serve


After executing the project you can acess the documentation at /api/docs