Simulated Slot Machine using Lumen

In this repository, it was developed part of a Simulated Slot Machine using Lumen (

To make it as simple as possible it was create a console command inside the project created using Lumen.


  1. Assume that every bet as the value of 1 Euro.

  2. Generate a random board with 5 columns and 3 rows using 10 different symbols: 9, 10, J, Q, K, A, cat, dog, monkey and bird

  3. Use the following logic for numbering each symbol on the board:

0 3 6 9 12
1 4 7 10 13
2 5 8 11 14


Suppose the board generated was the following J, J, J, Q, K, cat, J, Q, monkey, bird, bird, bird, J, Q, A

These 15 random symbols generated the table:

Cat J Q Monkey Bird
Bird Bird J Q A
  1. A pay out happens when 3 or more consecutive symbols of the same kind are present in a payline, always starting from the first column (0,1,2). For the test consider the following paylines:
Payline Sequences
0 3 6 9 12
1 4 7 10 13
2 5 8 11 14
0 4 8 10 12
2 4 6 10 14

From the example above 2 paylines are matched J J J from [ 0 3 6 9 12 ] and [ 0 4 8 10 12 ].

  1. Pay out return to the players in the following amounts:
Match Pay out percentage
3 symbols 20% of the bet
4 symbols 200% of the bet
5 symbols 1000% of the bet

6.) Print in the console command the following:

  • board: [0,....,14]
  • paylines: Array with matched payline and number of matched symbol.
  • bet_amount: monetary numbers in cents 1€ = 100cents.
  • total_win: amount won.

Console Output

Considering the above example the result will be:

    board: [J, J, J, Q, K, cat, J, Q, monkey, bird, bird, bird, J, Q, A],
    paylines: [{"0 3 6 9 12": 3}, {"0 4 8 10 12":3}],
    bet_amount: 100,
    total_win: 40