
Basic framework of tools to use in other projects

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Basic framework of tools to use in other projects.

This is also a guide for a book about being productive by having a portifolio of tools that you can use in other projects.


See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_data_structures

- Data Structures in plain C
	- Linked list
	- Associative array
	- Binary tree
		- AVL tree
		- Red-black tree
	- B-tree
	- Heap
	- Graph
		- Adjacency list
		- Adjacency matrix
	- Hash table
- Languages
	- C (C stdlib)
	- C++ (STL and Templates)
	- Python script
- Building
	- Compilation
		- GCC
		- CLang
	- Cross-Platform Compilation
		- Android NDK tools
	- Building automation
		- GNU Makefile
	- Building generation
		- Autotools
		- CMake
- Codecare
	- Software Configuration Management (SCM) or Version Control
		- Git
- Code Analysis
	- Static analysis
		- cppcheck
- Frameworks
	- Qt
	- Boost
- I/O
	- File
		- Read/Write in stdlib, STL, Boost, Qt
	- Network
		- Client/Server
- Testing
	- Unit test
		- Google Test
		- Boost Test Library
		- CppTest
		- CppUnit
	- Continuous Integration
		- Jenkins
		- Travis CI
	- Other test
		- Integration Test
		- Security with AFL