
Examples on how to use icons in Quarto documents

Primary LanguageCSSCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

License: CC0-1.0 Contributor Covenant

Using Quarto Shortcodes to Generate Icons

Quarto has a lot of extensions. The ones that I feel deserve some focused attention is the set of shortcode extensions that produce icons. There are quite a few good ones so far! This little repository provides examples you can use for these high-quality extensions:

  • fontawesome
  • material-icons
  • bsicons
  • academicons
  • lordicon
  • iconify

Each of these icon extensions is covered in its own .qmd file. You can clone this repo and render those files with quarto render <qmd-file>. Check out the rendered doc! Edit the source and see what happens! Adapt these examples for your own work and profit.