Angular Firebase Poc 🌋

Angular and Fireship icons

In this poc is used:

Configs needed:

You need to add your configs of firebase on enviroments.ts, for this you need to create a app web in official site, go in configs and get your Firebase SDK snippet, you estructure is basically this:

var firebaseConfig = {

	apiKey: "AIzaSyBziQPSMoC5ue-C9YSCSFk1xyyEFYUex9E",

	authDomain: "",

	databaseURL: "",

	projectId: "angular-firebase-poc-6cec9",

	storageBucket: "",

	messagingSenderId: "230530228306",

	appId: "1:230530228306:web:8f0616e4535a471fd83f8b"


Running application:

  • Start Application npm start;

Layout demo

Demonstration layout