Digital Signature Addon for alfresco CE 5.0.d (all-in-one) This a fork from Digital Signature addon from developed by Emmanuel ROUX
Ported the code from SDK 2.0 to 2.1 ALL-IN-ONE project Archetype used
mvn install -DskiptTests to create the AMP modules.
if everything is ok then the two modules are created under:
#Install the modules into alfresco
give exec permission to or run.bat depending on your OS then run the project using this file
Linux ./ Windows run.bat
If you want to debug your app using eclipse then you have to edit or run.bat and change the command "mvn" and write "mvnDebug" instead, on the eclipse side you must go to Debug configurations -> new Remote Java Application and:
select share-amp project
leave host and port as it is
change to Source tab and add share-amp and repo-amp
then run in debug mode.