
Node JS API - It uses Fastify, Postgresql, Docker, Prisma, SOLID concepts and much more.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NodeJS Study App - Gympass like App

The main focus of this project is to provide an in-depth understanding of SOLID principles,
Design Patterns, Docker for initializing the database, JWT (JSON Web Token) and Refresh Token authentication,
RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), and many other key concepts.

Features and Concepts

  • Implementation of SOLID principles to ensure a modular and maintainable codebase.
  • Implemetation of tests to ensure the application won't break upon codebase changes.
  • Utilization of Design Patterns to solve common software design challenges.
  • Setting up a Docker environment for easy database initialization and management.
  • Implementation of JWT and Refresh Token authentication for secure user authentication and authorization.
  • Understanding and implementation of RBAC for fine-grained access control.
  • Exploring various other concepts and technologies relevant to building robust and scalable applications.

App Requirements

Functional Requirements

  • It should be possible to register;
  • It should be possible to authenticate;
  • It should be possible to retrieve the profile of a logged-in user;
  • It should be possible to retrieve the number of check-ins performed by the logged-in user;
  • It should be possible for the user to retrieve their check-in history;
  • It should be possible for the user to search for nearby gyms;
  • It should be possible for the user to search for gyms by name;
  • It should be possible for the user to check-in at a gym;
  • It should be possible to validate a user's check-in;
  • It should be possible to register a gym.

Business Rules

  • The user should not be able to register with a duplicate email;
  • The user cannot make 2 check-ins on the same day;
  • The user cannot check-in if they are not close (100m) to the gym;
  • The check-in can only be validated within 20 minutes after it is created;
  • The check-in can only be validated by administrators;
  • The gym can only be registered by administrators.

Non-Functional Requirements

  • The user's password needs to be encrypted;
  • The application data needs to be persisted in a PostgreSQL database;
  • All data lists need to be paginated with 20 items per page;
  • The user should be identified by a JSON Web Token (JWT).