
A Twitter Bot built with NodeJS that tweets a random dog picture every hour. 🤖🐶

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deprecated since Twitter API will be paid in the near future.

@dogsperhour still exists, but the bot is paused.

It was fun while it lasted. :)

🤖 Twitter Bot: Dogs Per Hour 🐶

Project created to practice NodeJS automation and server apps.

Project proposal: Create a twitter bot using NodeJS to fetch a random dog picture and tweet it once every hour.

🔎 Live View

📖 Study Case

I was looking for a project to practice the creation and deployment of a Node.JS App and I was curious on how to build a Twitter Bot. So I decided to join both, practice NodeStreams, automation and Heroku Deployment.

🤖 What the does the bot do?

v1.0 - Now the bot is hosted on Heroku.

v0.8 - Using AXIOS, the bot fetches the Dog API and buffers the image to Twitter Server. After that, it tweets the image.

v0.5 - The bot fetches the Random Dog API and downloads the image to my computer. From that, it uploads the picture to Twitter server. With that done, the bot tweets the picture. It happens once every hour.

📝 To-Do List

v0.1 Check List:

🗹 Pet Dogs All Day;

v0.5 Check List:

🗹 Fetch and download a randon dog picture;
🗹 Tweet the dog picture from my computer;

v0.8 Check List:

🗹 Get and buffers the picture from the API to twitter using Axios;
🗹 Tweet the buffered picture;

v1.0 Check List:

🗹 Deploy using Heroku Render;

v2 Check List:

☐ Add On Demand Picture Fetch on reply;

Got any ideas for new versions? Please, let me know!

⚒️ Built With

NodeJS Heroku Twitter
Random Dog Api
Twitter API v1 and v2

✉️ Message Me

Any suggestions? Found a Bug? Wanna work together?
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