
A pomodoro timer to help with productivity!

Primary LanguageVue

Pomodoro Tracker 🍅⏰

Image of a tomato tracker

The best time management method through a TOMATO!!

This is a simple project made to practice VueJS and CSS concepts. It's fully functional and can be used in a second tab to count your work and rest time!


A gif showing the timer running

1. Set the work and rest cycle time

By default, in pomodoro we have 25-minute work cycles, interspersed with short 5-minute breaks. Every 4 work cycles we have a long break of 15 minutes.

But this time pattern doesn't work for everyone, some prefer longer work and rest times. Therefore, the timer is customizable, and you can set the time you think is best for each type of cycle.

However, invalid values cannot be read by the timer.

2. Cycle of short and long breaks

The timer is smart to know when you will have a short break and when it is time for a long break!

3. Work cycle counter

You can know how many work cycles it took to complete a task, and any time you can reset this count.

Project setup

Clone this repository:

> git clone https://github.com/zsGuil/pomodoro-tracker.git

Enter the folder and install:

> cd pomodoro-tracker
> npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

> npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

> npm run build

Lints and fixes files

> npm run lint

Technologies used