Welcome to Sorare Notion connector 👋

Version Twitter: glamanda\_

Connector between Sorare and notion to get autofilled player informations in a notion database

TODO: add some captures

Disclamer: This project give you everything to deploy yourself on AWS.
You will need:

  • An AWS account,
  • A notion account,
    • copy the template from [here](TODO: add a link here)
    • get the database id


yarn install


Add environment variables

Copy the example file .env.example to .env and fill the values.

For the NOTION_TOKEN you need to create an custom integration in notion. Then, share the Sorare board with the integration.

For the NOTION_DB_ID you need to copy the database id from the url of the database.


You are all set to deploy now.

yarn deploy

It will create an AWS cloud formation with a scheduled lambda function that will update the database.

Test in local

yarn run start


👤 Guillaume Lamanda

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