
serverless example to reach Oracle database

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository present the different way to contact an Oracle database with GCP serverless Product. It's the base for this medium article

App Engine standard and flex, Cloud Run and function are used. Except for App Engine8, the 4 products are usable with the same source code.

Think to customize the configuration files with your values.

Deployment and tests


App Engine Java8

App Engine Java 8 requires specific dependencies and code structure which is not compliant with other GCP product.

Java directory is compliant App Engine Standard Java11, App Engine flex, Cloud Run

# Go to the directory
cd appEngine8

# Install manually the Oracle maven dependency (impossible to download automatically)
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=src/main/resources/ojdbc7.jar \
    -DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=ojdbc7 -Dversion=1.0.0 \

# Update the file in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml with your environment variables

# Run Mvn command. Maven 3.5 or above must be installed
mvn clean package appengine:deploy

# Test your App Engine
curl $(gcloud app browse -s java8-serverless-oracle \

App Engine Java11

It's not a real Java11 version. It's a Java 8 but fully compliant with Java11 environment.

Fat Jar mode is used to embed the Oracle Jar in the deployment. Only Standard deployment is perform. It's enough and cheaper

In the pom.xml files, change the PROJECT_ID value with your project id. In the src/main/appengine update the app.yaml with your env vars values

# Go to the directory
cd java

# Install manually the Oracle maven dependency (impossible to download automatically)
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=src/main/resources/ojdbc7.jar \
    -DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=ojdbc7 -Dversion=1.0.0 \

# Run Mvn command. Maven 3.5 or above must be installed
mvn clean package appengine:deploy

# Test your App Engine
curl $(gcloud app browse -s java11-serverless-oracle \

App Engine flexible Java11

For App Engine flex with custom runtime, Dockerfile and cloudbuild.yaml file can't be in the same directory. That's why, googlecloudbuild.yaml exists instead of the regular name

Update the app-flexible.yaml with your env vars values

# Go to the directory
cd java

# Run Mvn command. Maven 3.5 or above must be installed
gcloud app deploy app-flexible.yaml

# Test your App Engine
curl $(gcloud app browse -s java11-serverless-oracle-flex \

Cloud Run Java

In the pom.xml files, change the PROJECT_ID value with your project id

With Cloud Build

For App Engine flex with custom runtime, Dockerfile and cloudbuild.yaml file can't be in the same directory. That's why, googlecloudbuild.yaml exists instead of the regular name

# Go to the directory
cd java

# Run the build
gcloud builds submit --config googlecloudbuild.yaml

# Deploy on Cloud run 
# Change <PROJECT_ID> by your project ID. Change the env vars by your values
gcloud beta run deploy java-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 --platform managed \
    --allow-unauthenticated --image gcr.io/<PROJECT_ID>/java-serverless-oracle \

# Test your deployment
curl $(gcloud beta run services describe java-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 \
    --format "value(status.address.hostname)" --platform managed)

With JIB

# Go to the directory
cd java

# Run the build
mvn clean compile jib:build

# Deploy on Cloud run 
# Change <PROJECT_ID> by your project ID. Change the env vars by your values
gcloud beta run deploy java-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 --platform managed \
    --allow-unauthenticated --image gcr.io/<PROJECT_ID>/java-serverless-oracle-jib \

# Test your deployment
curl $(gcloud beta run services describe java-serverless-oracle-jib --region us-central1 \
    --format "value(status.address.hostname)" --platform managed)



Not applicable (no instant client)

However, if you want to tests

# Go to the directory
cd go

# copy the dependencies close to the function file
cp go.mod function/

# Deploy the alpha function
# Change the env vars by your values
gcloud beta functions deploy go-oracle-serverless --trigger-http --region us-central1 \
   --runtime go112 --source function --allow-unauthenticated \
   --entry-point OracleConnection \

# Clean up the function directory
rm function/go.mod

# Test your function 
gcloud functions call go-oracle-serverless

App Engine Standard

Not applicable (no instant client)

Try this gcloud app deploy app-standard.yaml for validating that is doesn't work. Update the app-standard.yaml with your env vars values

App Engine Flexible

For App Engine flex with custom runtime, Dockerfile and cloudbuild.yaml file can't be in the same directory. That's why, googlecloudbuild.yaml exists instead of the regular name

Update the app-flexible.yaml with your env vars values

# Go to the directory
cd go

# Run Mvn command. Maven 3.5 or above must be installed
gcloud app deploy app-flexible.yaml

# Test your App Engine
curl $(gcloud app browse -s go-serverless-oracle-flex \

Cloud Run

For App Engine flex with custom runtime, Dockerfile and cloudbuild.yaml file can't be in the same directory. That's why, googlecloudbuild.yaml exists instead of the regular name

# Go to the directory
cd go

# Run the build
gcloud builds submit --config googlecloudbuild.yaml

# Deploy on Cloud run 
# Change <PROJECT_ID> by your project ID. Change the env vars by your values
gcloud beta run deploy go-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 --platform managed \
    --allow-unauthenticated --image gcr.io/<PROJECT_ID>/go-serverless-oracle \

# Test your deployment
curl $(gcloud beta run services describe go-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 \
    --format "value(status.address.hostname)" --platform managed)



Not applicable (no instant client)

However, if you want to tests

# Go to the directory
cd nodejs

# copy the dependencies close to the function file
cp package.json function/

# Deploy the alpha function
# Change the env vars by your values
gcloud beta functions deploy nodejs-oracle-serverless --trigger-http --region us-central1 \
   --runtime nodejs10 --source function --allow-unauthenticated \
   --entry-point oracleConnection \

# Clean up the function directory
rm function/package.json

# Test your function 
gcloud functions call nodejs-oracle-serverless

App Engine Standard

Not applicable (no instant client)

Try this gcloud app deploy app-standard.yaml for validating that is doesn't work. Update the app-standard.yaml with your env vars values

App Engine Flexible

For App Engine flex with custom runtime, Dockerfile and cloudbuild.yaml file can't be in the same directory. That's why, googlecloudbuild.yaml exists instead of the regular name

Update the app-flexible.yaml with your env vars values

# Go to the directory
cd nodejs

# Run Mvn command. Maven 3.5 or above must be installed
gcloud app deploy app-flexible.yaml

# Test your App Engine
curl $(gcloud app browse -s nodejs-serverless-oracle-flex \

Cloud Run

For App Engine flex with custom runtime, Dockerfile and cloudbuild.yaml file can't be in the same directory. That's why, googlecloudbuild.yaml exists instead of the regular name

# Go to the directory
cd nodejs

# Run the build
gcloud builds submit --config googlecloudbuild.yaml

# Deploy on Cloud run 
# Change <PROJECT_ID> by your project ID. Change the env vars by your values
gcloud beta run deploy nodejs-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 --platform managed \
    --allow-unauthenticated --image gcr.io/<PROJECT_ID>/nodejs-serverless-oracle \

# Test your deployment
curl $(gcloud beta run services describe nodejs-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 \
    --format "value(status.address.hostname)" --platform managed)



Not applicable (no instant client)

However, if you want to tests

# Go to the directory
cd python

# copy the dependencies close to the function file
cp requirements.txt function/

# Deploy the alpha function
# Change the env vars by your values
gcloud functions deploy python-oracle-serverless --trigger-http --region us-central1 \
   --runtime python37 --source function --allow-unauthenticated \
   --entry-point oracle_connection \

# Clean up the function directory
rm function/requirements.txt

# Test your function 
gcloud functions call python-oracle-serverless

App Engine Standard

Not applicable (no instant client)

Try this gcloud app deploy app-standard.yaml for validating that is doesn't work. Update the app-standard.yaml with your env vars values

App Engine Flexible

For App Engine flex with custom runtime, Dockerfile and cloudbuild.yaml file can't be in the same directory. That's why, googlecloudbuild.yaml exists instead of the regular name

Update the app-flexible.yaml with your env vars values

# Go to the directory
cd python

# Run Mvn command. Maven 3.5 or above must be installed
gcloud app deploy app-flexible.yaml

# Test your App Engine
curl $(gcloud app browse -s python-serverless-oracle-flex \

Cloud Run

For App Engine flex with custom runtime, Dockerfile and cloudbuild.yaml file can't be in the same directory. That's why, googlecloudbuild.yaml exists instead of the regular name

# Go to the directory
cd python

# Run the build
gcloud builds submit --config googlecloudbuild.yaml

# Deploy on Cloud run 
# Change <PROJECT_ID> by your project ID. Change the env vars by your values
gcloud beta run deploy python-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 --platform managed \
    --allow-unauthenticated --image gcr.io/<PROJECT_ID>/python-serverless-oracle \

# Test your deployment
curl $(gcloud beta run services describe python-serverless-oracle --region us-central1 \
    --format "value(status.address.hostname)" --platform managed)


This library is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in LICENSE.