
An organizational meta-repo with pointers to all of the myriad educational materials available today (in any form)

MIT LicenseMIT

In teaching someone about COM programming, it would be nice if I could just teach them how to use the Visual Studio wizards and all the code generation features, but if anything goes wrong, they will not have the vaguest idea what happened or how to debug it and recover from it. I’m going to have to teach them all about IUnknown and CLSIDs and ProgIDS and … oh, the humanity!

Education Material

This repository is a place for everyone in the Pangeo community to place pointers to and descriptions of existing educational material for learning or using the Pangeo platform, software ecosystem, deployments, and related technology . It continues into sub-folders with commentary and notes on where and how pangeo education can be effective.

Location Description
https://datacarpentry.org/blog/2018/09/atmos-ocean-launch Data Carpentry lessons for atmosphere and ocean scientists (@DamienIrving)
https://github.com/pangeo-data/pangeo-tutorial-agu-2018 Pangeo Tutorial for the AGU 2018 meeting
https://github.com/pangeo-data/pangeo-tutorial-sea-2018 Pangeo Tutorial for the NCAR Software Engineering Assembly Workshop 2018
https://github.com/pangeo-data/pangeo-example-notebooks Pangeo Notebook Gallery with various simple or real science examples
https://rabernat.github.io/research_computing_2018/ @rabernat's Research Computing in Earth Sciences course
https://github.com/robfatland/synoptic @robfatland's synoptic notebooks on connecting RCO to other data
https://github.com/robfatland/gallery @robfatland's gallery of geoscience example notebooks
https://github.com/pshivraj/batl Bio-Acoustic Transfer learning (@pshivraj)
https://github.com/Unidata/python-workshop Unidata Python Workshop material
https://github.com/brian-rose/ClimateModeling_courseware @brian-rose's climate modeling lecture notes
https://github.com/cormorack/notebooks No longer exists? Is private?
https://github.com/cormorack/whalebooks No longer exists? Is private?
https://github.com/mrocklin/pydata-nyc-2018-tutorial Dask tutorial running on Pangeo Binder: Dataframes, Delayed and SickitLearn