What you will find:
- db creation (currently it creates only a list of experts, in db.expert
- comparaison fonction : used to find out if the given question match one of our pre-recorded question
- main : import dialogs from components folder and generate a bit of documentation at start
- main returns the payload that is used to actually look for an ansxer
## If you wish to add question
1. create and cd in a folder in components or cd into one existing
2. create a file index.js if there is no such file in the folder you are
3. create a file my_command.js
4. add content to my_command.js (a simple module.export = { question: 'my question', answer: 'my answer'} does the trick, but there is many other way since the currenc code undestands : arrays, functions)
5. reference my_command.js in index.js
6. reference your folder (if you have created it) in components/index.js
7. start the app (should be ok)
In case of error from your component, edition-bot will tell ya