
A user interface for physicians to generate validation codes for their sick patients, so they can declare themselves as covid+ in their app.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Health authority UI

A user interface for physicians to generate validation codes for their sick patients, so they can declare themselves as covid+ in their app.

This user interface is tailored to be used in front of a backend architecture for decentralized contact tracing, such as dp3t-ms, and is written in french.

The user interface will require the following API endpoints accessible:

  • /login
  • /logout
  • /user-info: should return a 200 status code if logged in
  • /create-code: see dp3t-ms


This user interface does not have any dependencies. There is one external library for generating QR codes that has been copied to this repository: qrcodejs.


The URLs to the API endpoints are listed at the top of the index.js file.



You can use a simple http server like live-server to have live reloading, or python3 -m http.server.

Make sure to access the front-end with the following URL, or change the FRONT_URL accordingly in mock-backend/server.py:


Mock backend

The mock backend is only here to allow local development. It's developped in python using Flask.

To start the server you can use the Makefile:

cd mock-backend
make install
make serve
