
Map of movies filmed in San Francisco.

Primary LanguageRuby

THX 1138

Project: SF movies
Technical track: Front-end
gal.uz - Linkedin

The Name

THX 1138 is a 1971 movie directed by George Lucas - his first film as a director. It was filmed in many locations around San Francisco, but somehow didn't figure in the database used for this app!

The Stack


Ruby on Rails, with Haml for the views and SASS for the stylesheets.

The back-end is pretty slim: 2 models (Movie and Shooting, with a one-to-many relationship). Two endpoints: GET /movies and GET /shootings/:movie_id. I wanted to benefit from the built-in asset pipeline. However if I had to build this app again, I would probably use Sinatra. It's better dimensioned in this case, eventhough I would have to configure Sprockets by hand.


Backbone.js, with Coffeescript, and Haml Coffee for the templates. I used Google Maps API for the map interaction and Geocoding API to get coordinates from an address.

On page load, movies are stored in JS objects, and it's only when a movie is selected that an AJAX request is made to the server to get the shootings locations.

A central part of the app is the PageState Backbone model: it knows about the search query, the results, the current movie, etc. In a nutshell: upon user action, a backbone view will change an attribute of pageState. Backbone views will in turn listen to events triggered by pageState and update themselves.



I decided to implement the autocomplete feature myself. I could have used a plugin but I thought it would be fun to use Backbone to do it. It didn't turn out to be as hard as I thought eventhough I don't currently support keyboard events ('Enter' to submit form, 'up' and 'down' arrows to navigate results)


I added 3 movie random suggestions under the search input. The change when the page reloads or when a movie is resetted. It seems like a detail feature but it turned out to be crucial in the development of the app: because they are randomly taken from the pool of movies, it allowed me to "test" the app with various movies, instead of picking always the same (Vertigo, The Rock, Bullitt, etc). It helped me find (and fix) some display interesting bugs: long titles, no actors, etc

A quick win

For some movies, markers were being displayed on the map, but much fewer than the Data SF database was showing. The reason was that "3355 Geary Blvd" is just not specific to San Francisco. I fixed that by appending "San Francisco, CA" to every geocode request. It definitely improved the quality of coordinate generation! commit c8ab580b74

To Do

  • [Bug] If a movie is selected and you search for the same movie, it will appear in the autocomplete results and not be selectable.
  • Add tests for DOM interactions (I've tested only collection and models on the front-end)
  • Display location metadata when clicking on a map marker (name, fun facts, etc)
  • Improve responsive design.
  • When switching movies, recenter and pan the map