Web version available here: www.guillaumelobet.be/impact
The aim of the porject is to automaticlly generate a curriculum using LaTeX and the information contained on an ImpactStory profile (altmetrics).
The web version is composed of 3 php scripts to convert the ImpactStory profile to one of these formats:
- BibTex
- Markdown
Web version available here: www.guillaumelobet.be/impact
for the LaTeX afficionados.
So far, there are three main files to generate the curriculum:
- Perl
- parse_impactstory_bib.pl
- LaTeX
- friggeri-cv.cls
- curriculum.tex
To generate the curriculum, run the Perl file, then run the LaTeX one.
To run the Perl file, you need to installt he following packages:
- JSON qw( decode_json )
- IO::All
- Try::Tiny
- XML::Simple
To install them, run in the terminal:
cpan JSON qw( decode_json )
cpan IO::All
cpan Try::Tiny
cpan XML::Simple
Before running the Perl file, do not forget to edit you profile link (line 17).
The Perl script create a bib file (impactbib.bib), used by LaTeX to generate the CV.
The LaTeX script is based on the CV template from Adrien Friggeri (adrien@friggeri.net), https://github.com/afriggeri/CV.
You need to used XeLaTeX and biber to make it run smoothly.
This is only the second time I use Perl. So the code is certainly unefficient, badly written and full of mistakes. But it works. So feel free to improve it!