
POC to use ora2pg tool

Primary LanguagePerl

POC ora2pg tool

Very good blog here.

Ora2pg doc here.

  1. First UNZIP the four files instantclient-***.zip in a COMMON instantclient_12_2 directory

    1. Zip files can be downloaded here (you need an Oracle account): Oracle Download
    2. Use installInstantClient.sh
  2. A docker-compose to create 3 containers

    1. a source_host container with a MYSQL database instance
    2. the MYSQL database is initialised with 2 tables and few data (script in ./sourceDbInitScripts directory)
    3. a destination_host container with a PGSQL database instance (with no database in it)
    4. a migration server container (ubuntu based) with all required dependencies to launch ora2pg tool

To start: docker-compose up -d --remove-orphan
If you have issues: docker-compose stop then docker system prune -f -a --volumes (to clean absolutely everything)

  1. Scripts in root directory

    1. first, use ./createMigrationProject.sh (from the localhost) to launch ora2pg project creation from within the migration server.
    2. second, use ./exportSchema.sh (from the localhost) to export mySQL schema and transform it to PG schema. Results will arrive in scripts/projects/schema directory on the migration server
    3. then, use the interactive ./importDataInPg.sh (from the localhost) to apply migration. You also can use import_all.sh (from migration container) to have more options
      1. answer NO to create database and schema
      2. answer YES to create TABLEs
      3. answer YES to load DATA
      4. answer YES to apply INDEXES, then CONSTRAINTS, then FK/PK
  2. To check the result, use docker-compose exec destination_host /bin/bash to connect to the PGSQL container and then psql -d destination_db -U myDatabaseAdminUser to connect to the database. You can then use \dt to list tables and select * from <table_name> to check data.

  3. You can customize the migration configuration by editing ./scripts/projects/mig/ora2pg.conf file.