
Vagrant Developement Environment

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT


VagrantPress is a packaged development environment for developing WordPress themes and modules.
I initially created this project to aid in developing child modules for a WordPress blog.

What's Installed

  • Ubuntu Trusty (14.04)
  • Wordpress 4.0
  • Mysql
  • Php
  • Phpmyadmin
  • Subversion
  • Git
  • Composer
  • PEAR
  • Xdebug
  • PHPUnit - *installed via composer
  • phploc - *installed via composer
  • phpcpd - *installed via composer
  • phpdcd - *installed via composer
  • phpcs - *installed via composer
  • phpdepend - *installed via composer
  • phpmd - *installed via composer
  • PHP_CodeBrowser - *installed via composer
  • WordPress sniffs for phpcs
  • WordPress Unit Tests - *installed via composer

*PEAR removed as support has reached end of life, see End of Life for PEAR Installation Method


Getting Started

This is a fairly simple project to get up and running.
The procedure for starting up a working WordPress is as follows:

  1. Clone the project. (There’s only master branch.)
  2. Run vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater from command line
  3. Run the command vagrant up from the directory
  4. Open your browser to http://vagrantpress.dev

Working with the environment

To log in to the local Wordpress installation:

http://vagrantpress.dev/wp-admin/ the username is admin, the password is vagrant.

You can access phpMyAdmin:

http://vagrantpress.dev/phpmyadmin/ with username wordpress, password wordpress.

A Few Details

  • If you're needing a password (for anything - including mysql, it should be vagrant)

Getting Help

Feel free to file an issue, create a pull request, or contact me at my website.