Financial Planning App Demo

Hey there, welcome to this demo. This file will hold any high level information you might need to start using the project.


  • Docker engine
  • Docker Compose
  • GNUMake

First time setup

  • Install Docker and docker-compose
    • If you are using Docker for Desktop, you might need to add this folder to the list of shareable folders at Docker for Desktop settings
  • Run make setup

Start your development environment

  • Run make start will download an ubuntu-based development environment with node 14, angular 11, angular/fire, angular-material, and every other npm library and packages required by this project.

Any change made while working on your IDE will be instantly reflected inside your containerized environment.

Other commands

  • make bash will start a bash prompt inside your container.
    This is the recommended way to go to install new npm packages or run angular schematics in the exact same environment as other devs in your team.
  • make run runs any command inside a use-once ephemeral development container.
  • make clean removes any docker artifact.
  • make build will bake your own docker artifacts.
  • make deploy will deploy to Firebase