
Simple blog platform built in Lua

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Blogging platform built in Lua for developers. (Verison 1.0.2)


  1. Linux style system. No Windows sorry (Need help with this.)
  2. Lua. Built and tested on Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
  3. Create you own github page http://pages.github.com/
  4. git


  1. Fork the repository and download code.
  2. Run the following command to set your file structure:
  • lua generators/newblog.lua
  • Check out the file structure that was built (more about the structure bellow).
  1. Run the following to build the default blog:
  • lua generators/build.lua
  1. Make your _build directory the 'master' branch to your github pages project.
  2. Push your content inside your _build directory to your github pages.

Add A New Post:

  1. Run lua generators/new_post.lua [name of post]
  • Example: lua generators/new_post.lua my new post
  • A new html file in _sources/my-new-post.html will be created
  • The <title> of the post will be 'my new post'

Add A New Page:

  1. Run lua generators/new_page.lua [name of page]
  • Example: lua generators/new_page.lua travels
  • A new html file in _pages/travels.html will be created
  • The <title> of the page will be 'travels'


Once you have edited your code or created a new page just run:

  • lua generators/build.lua
  • This will run the build script and add the edited content to the _build directory.
  • You can view you content by either pushing to github pages or navigating to directory.

File Structure:

  1. _assets/
  • This holds your stylesheets and images.
  • On build, all folders and files in this directory get copied to _build/assets
  1. _build/
  • On build, this directory gets populated with your blog.
  • This is the directory you need to push to your github page
  1. _layouts/
  • Holds all layouts for your blog
  • On build, all pages and posts will use this layout unless specified to use another
  • If you want a page to use a different layout name the layout with the same name as the page. For example, if you add a about.html page to the _pages directory and you want to use a different layout for that page, create a about.html layout in the _layouts directory.
  1. _pages/
  • Add all and any new page to this directory
  • ALL PAGES REQUIRE A --title block
  1. _sources/
  • Put your blog posts in here
  • ALL POSTS REQUIRE A --title block
  1. _widgets/
  • A widget can be any small amount of html that you want
  • Add any widget that you want here
  • To use widgets just place {{widget_file_name}} anywhere in a page, blog post or layout. For example, if you want to use the recent_posts.html widget on a page place {{recent_posts}} somewhere on the source.
  • On build, all pages, layouts and posts will be tested for {{widget_name}} and appended if they exist.

Other Notes:

  1. For the most part Bluag is using twitter bootstrap for styling.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Please let me know or add you site to here

  1. http://guillecarlos.com