
Client to communicate with Structo

Primary LanguageRuby

Structo Client:

This gem allows you to easily interface with your Structo Application.

Gem Dependencies:
gem 'rest-client'
gem 'json'

There are two ways to use this gem. 

Non-MVC application:

1. require 'structo_client'

2. Create an instance of StructoClient:
c = StructoClient.new("app_name", "public_key", "private_key")

Your app_name must match your Structo application name.

3. Start using the basic CRUD methods:
To create:

If you have fields you need to pass them as a Hash.
c.create("Person", {"name" => "john"})

To retrieve:
c.retrieve("Person", "id")

To update:
c.update("Person", "id", {"name" => "juan"})

To delete:
c.delete("Person", "id")

To search
If you dont pass any search criteria it will return a list of all the values.
c.search("Person") #This will return a list

If you pass search criteria it will search based on the parameters.
c.search("Person", {"name" => "juan"}) #This will return all entries with the name Juan

Adding StructoRecord to your Rails app:

1. Add the gems to your rails project:
gem 'structo_client'
gem 'rest-client'
gem 'json'

2. Add a initializer file called structo_config.rb
Insert the following constants:
STRUCTO_APP_NAME='your application name'
STRUCTO_PUBLIC_KEY='your public key'
STRUCTO_PRIVATE_KEY='your private key'

3. Add a model that extends StructoRecord::Base
class Person < StructoRecord::Base

4. Using the CRUD methods:
To create:
p = Person.create
If you have attribute the pass in a Hash, example:
p = Person.create({“name” => “sam”}}

To retreive:
r = Person.retrieve(“id”)

To update:
u = Person.update(“id”, {“name” => “bob”})

To delete:

To search
Person.search({“name” => “john”})
If you just say Person.search with no attributes it will return a list of all entries.