
🗺 Optimal point of sales in a spatial dataset

Primary LanguageR

Optimal point of sales

We built an interaction model to find the optimal point of sales in a spatial dataset, and created a Shiny app to visualize the results : https://guillemforto.shinyapps.io/optimal_pos/?_ga=2.26939967.365306062.1589920607-1014726212.1589817691

Authors: Guillem FORTÓ / Caroline LEBRUN / Madeleine SMANIOTTO

Date: March - April 2020
This project was part of the Géomarketing course of the M2 Statistics and Econometrics, at Toulouse School of Economics.

Table of contents


The main idea was to train a spatial interaction model so that it could predict the market share of multiple point of sales (POS). Here are the steps we followed:

  • We assembled all the features that are necessary to build a spatial interaction model in a single dataframe. Predictors included:

    • INSEE IRIS socioeconomic data about the market zone where the POS was located (see details)
    • data on the number of competitors, extracted from the SIRENE establishments database
    • travelling time (in mins) between the POS and its competitors
  • Defined two constraints to add some restrictions to the model (see image below). At this point, the objective function, subject to the two constraints, could be written as follows:

  • Once the model built, we applied it to at least 10 new randomly picked candidate shops from the SIRENE dataset. The one with the largest market share is then defined as the optimal position.

  • Finally, we implemented everything on an interactive Shiny app that shows the best and the worst market zone, with at least one widget that explains the socioeconomic/competitors characteristics of each the zone.

Running the code

  • First thing to do is downloading all the data files and add them in a folder called 'data' in the root of the repository: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/olg8tahymztcjiu/AACPStCdyHbfn0Xvu_notTroa?dl=0.

  • Also, you'll need to create an account on https://www.mapbox.com, and get a token map box from their API. Replace it at the beginning of the script (in final_project.R) once you have it.

  • Change the variable path at the beginning of the script to the location of the data folder, in order to be able to load the data files. (e.g. if the data folder is located in '/Users/guillemforto/github/optimal_pos/data' then path <- "~/github/optimal_pos")

  • You are ready to open final_project.R with RStudio (>= version 1.2.5001 required) and execute the script. You may need to install several packages, but RStudio will propose to install them automatically if it detects you still don't have them.


The output table for best and worst candidate look like this:

  • Best candidate
SIREN NIC ... longitude latitude geo_score nbr_sensible_areas second_constraint sum_market count_market
530487263 10 ... 2.674524 45.86835 0.65 0 TRUE 2.705042 843
  • Worst candidate
SIREN NIC ... longitude latitude geo_score nbr_sensible_areas second_constraint sum_market count_market
332855691 207 ... 2.332238 48.87019 0.94 0 TRUE 0.2029933 578

and the RShiny application:

The green location is considered to be the best, and the red one the worst. Also, as you move the cursors and change the constraints in the left panel, the POSs automatically update on the map.

Additional information

1. Datasets

  • IRIS (Ilots Regroupés pour l'Information Statistique) is a data set provided by INSEE, the national statistics bureau of France, with the aim of making geolocalized data about the French communes publicly available. It provides socio-demographic through a homogeneously grided zoning of the French territory. (see details)
  • SIRENE is a data set on companies and its characteristics. (see details). See also this interactive platform.
  • Landcover is a European data set. It constitutes 'biophysical land use inventory which provides a complete picture of land use, at regular frequencies'. (see details)

2. Data files content

  • geo1: IRIS + plenty of variables + lat + lon + Polygons

  • market_zones: IRIS + sales + lat + lon + plenty of variables + mp + ms (our Y~X+eps) + Polygons

  • pos_sp (point of sales data): IRIS + lat + lon + pos_id

  • cl_sp (customers data): IRIS + lat + lon + pos_id + cl_id + sales

  • geo2data (INSEE 200m): idgeo2 + lat + lon + x + y + nbcar + ind_c

  • sirene (competitors data): SIREN + plenty of variables

  • mp (market potential): IRIS + mp

  • landcover : ID + Code_12 + AREA_HA

3. Socioeconomic variables

  • Housing characteristics
Name Description
P14_LOG Nombre de logements
P14_LOGVAC Nombre de logements vacants
P14_MAISON Nombre de maisons
P14_APPART Nombre d'appartements
  • Characteristics of main residences
Name Description
P14_RP Nombre de résidence principales
P14_RP_3P Nombre de résidences principales de 3 pièces
P14_RP_4P Nombre de résidences principales de 4 pièces
P14_RP_5PP Nombre de résidences principales de 5 pièces ou plus
  • Household characteristics
Name Description
C14_MEN Nombre de ménages
C14_MENPSEUL Nombre de ménages d'une seule personne
C14_MENCOUPSENF Nombre de ménages dont la famille principale est formée d'un couple sans enfant
C14_MENCOUPAENF Nombre de ménages dont la famille principale est formée d'un couple avec enfant(s)
  • People characteristics
Name Description
P14_POP Population
P14_PMEN Nombre de personnes des ménages
P14_POPF Nombre total de femmes
P14_POP65P Nombre de personnes de 65 ans ou plus
C14_POP15P_CS3 Nombre de personnes de 15 ans ou plus Cadres et Professions intellectuelles supérieures
C14_POP15P_CS5 Nombre de personnes de 15 ans ou plus Employés
C14_POP15P_CS8 Nombre de personnes de 15 ans ou plus Autres sans activité