
Serverless to retrieve data from a Supabase database using Cloudflare Workers

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Cloudflare Worker or Function as a Services (Faas)

This project is a FaaS deployed on Cloudflare.

The function is used in the mobile app and web app App Curriculum.

Run the worker locally

You could need creating a Cloudflare Worker on Cloudflare website.

  1. Open the project in your terminal, and install the packages running this command npm i.
  2. Create the secret local environment variables in a new file on the root directory of this project called .dev.vars with the next code:
  1. Run locally the worker npx wrangler dev or npm start.
  2. Open a browser tab at http://localhost:8787/ to see your worker in action
  3. Run npx wrangler deploy or npm run deploy to publish your worker

If you deploy the worker, you'll also need to create the secret environment variables on the Cloud. Hence, follow this tutorial (tutorial here).
