
tdd web development

Primary LanguagePython


setup environment

  1. clone this repository, dependencies are on requirements.txt
  2. create a secrets.yaml file located on dj_myaccount/ folder as shown on docs/secrets.example
  3. create an initial_data.yaml file located on setup/ folder as shown on docs/initial_data.example
  4. once you run migrations, run in manage.py shell script setup/initial_superuser.py to create admin account and initial settings
  5. once you're finished, make a pull request on github repository


  • create an django app for notifications, this app must notify in an sticky bar or by email, this django app should be portable to other projects (dependency inversion)
  • create a settings window where user can:
    • change its own name
    • change its own password
    • set email for notifications
    • configure if want to activate email or app notifications


  • the modal with id die_glucke in templates/detail.html is shown properly only for phone screens, would be nice to fix it for desktop screens
  • deploy the app on heroku


  • redability counts, pip8 on python code and consistent JavaScript styling, docstrings counts
  • the most ready-to-plug, the best
  • the most safety-design oriented, the best (safety for user and for server app excecution)