
Python wrapper for the Travis-CI API and set of scripts to manage travis information

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

NOTE: This repository has been discontinued in favour of the official Travis CLI

Travis-CI is a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community. It is integrated with GitHub and offers first class support for a lot of languages.

pytravis provides an API wrapper for python and a set of utilities to get common information from Tracis-CI.

Current build status: Build Status

DISCLAIMER: This project is still under development. Contributions are very welcome :-)

##Installation I'll upload pytravis to PyPi when it becomes a bit more mature. You can install it using the GitHub address meanwhile:

pip install git+git://github.com/guillermo-carrasco/pytravis.git

##Configuration Pytravis gets the necessary information from a configuration file located in the user's home directory. The file should be named .pytravisrc. A minimal configuration file containing the API endpoints is installed with pytravis:

base_url: https://api.travis-ci.org/
repos_uri: repos/
repos_by_owner: repos.json?owner_name=
builds_uri: builds/
log_uri: jobs/{job_id}/log.txt?deansi=true
auth_github: auth/github
auth_handshake: auth/handshake

###Authentication By the moment, pytravis allows authentication through a GitHub access token. To get your GitHut token, access your GitHub account settings, go to the Applications' tab, and copy the Personal API Access Token.

Once you have it, add an Auth section in the configuration file and paste your token there:

github-token: your_token_here

NOTE: You can use pytravis without authentication, but you'll be able to access only the public endpoints. Check Travis-CI API documentation to for more details about public and private endpoints.

##Usage There is one pytravis object to represent each one of these concepts: Users, repositories, builds, jobs, and logs. Each object has as attributes the attributes returned by the API when doing a get request.

Here are some usage examples:

####Getting information about the last build of a repository

In [1]: from pytravis import travis
In [2]: r = travis.Repo('488730', cache_builds=True)
In [3]: r.last_build.duration
Out[3]: 89
In [4]: r.last_build.state
Out[4]: u'finished'
In [5]: r.last_build.result
Out[5]: 0 #Which is the OK linux exit code ;-)

####Listing the repositories of a user

Pipeline overview