
Terraform to deploy a single AZ network for 3-tier application in AWS

Primary LanguageHCL

Deploy a single AZ network for 3-tier application in AWS using Terraform

  • Create a single AZ VPC with 3 subnets: web (public), app (private) & database (private)

  • Create Internet Gateway, NAT Gateway and routes

  • Create segurity groups for VPC and subnets

  • Create bastion servers (Linux & Windows) in the web public subnet and security groups


  • auth-variables.tf --> AWS authentication variables

  • bastion-linux.tf --> Linux Bastion

  • bastion-windows.tf --> Windows Bastion

  • common-variables.tf --> Common variables (app name, environment, etc)

  • network-main.tf --> Create network components (VPC, Subnets, etc)

  • network-variables.tf --> Variables for network components

  • security-main.tf --> Security groups for all subnets

  • terraform.tfvars --> AWS authentication variables

Note: remove the bastion-windows.tf and/or the bastion-linux.tf if you don't need access to private subnets