Mathias's readme is awesome. So is Paul's.
I go between a Mac and an Ubuntu machine every day, so my project focuses more on Unix-y stuff and less on OS X stuff. I'm also not doing the same sort of work @paulirish and @mathiasbynens do; consequently, I have different needs.
Fork? If you really like my version, then sure. It might be better to fork Mathias', though.
If there are more goodies you want to add that are highly personalized, add them to a file called .extra
that should live in your home directory and keep that file out of version control. Mine's got some git configuration, a snippet from a poem, and a cheesy bit of inspiration for a quick smile when a new terminal is opened:
# Git credentials
# Not in the repository, to prevent people from accidentally committing under my name
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Guillermo A. Fisher"
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"
# MOTD (Message Of The Day)
# Breakthrough, by Carolyn M. Rodgers
cat << EOF
And my mouth has been open
Most of the time but
I ain't been saying nothin but
Thinking about ev'rything
And the partial pain has been
How do I put my self on paper
The way I want to be or am and be
Not like any one else in this
Black world but me
Break through, Mr. Fisher.
You'll notice that the directory in this command is capitalized. That's because I'm strange, not because of a typo ;-).
git clone Dotfiles && cd Dotfiles && ./