Official implementation for paper Custom Structure Preservation in Face Aging (Accepted on ECCV '22)
The procedure to obtain the weights needed for the DEX age classifier are described in HRFAE Github's
For improved efficiency it is recommended to use a Docker image.
docker build -t i2idocker .
FFHQ-RR dataset is built following its corresponding instructions available on HRFAE: High Resolution Face Age Editing.
FFHQ-LS dataset is downloaded from FFHQ Aging Dataset Github.
Two models have been released depending on the dataset used:
- Trained on FFHQ-RR dataset: Google Drive.
- Trained on FFHQ-LS dataset: Google Drive.
docker run --gpus all --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --workdir $DOCKER_WORKDIR -v $USER_DIR:$DOCKER_WORKDIR -e HOME=$DOCKER_WORKDIR -w $DOCKER_WORKDIR/cusp-pytorch i2idocker:latest python --outdir ./training-runs_ffhqaug --gpus $GPU_ID --cfg 224 --dataset ffhq_aug --age_np $RELATIVE_DATASET_PATH/ffhq_aug_tr.npy --age_np_test $RELATIVE_DATASET_PATH/ffhq_aug_ts.npy --data $RELATIVE_DATASET_PATH/images --classifier_path ./ --downsamples 5 --bias False --class_w 0.1 --skip_layers 2 --skip_kind linear --age_margin 0 --rgb_attention False --rgb_reg none --soft_margin True --act_reg l2 --learn_mask none --mixing_prob 0.0 --disc_class True --cmap_kind number --fake_rec false --skip_grad_blur gb --blur_skip true --blur_msk random --cycle_w 10 --bottleneck_class false --style_enc true --class_kind max
The dataset is described through two numpy files for train and test, respectively ffhq_aug_tr.npy
and ffhq_aug_ts.npy
It is shaped (num_images, 2), the first column is the relative filename path from --data
and the second column is DEX's predicted age.
array([['30032.png', '60'],
['14936.png', '42'],
['47014.png', '66'],
['37665.png', '59'],
['31158.png', '30'],
['04330.png', '41']], dtype='<U9')
docker run --gpus all --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --workdir $DOCKER_WORKDIR -v $USER_DIR:$DOCKER_WORKDIR -e HOME=$DOCKER_WORKDIR -w $DOCKER_WORKDIR/cusp-pytorch i2idocker:latest python --outdir ./training-runs-ffhqlat --gpus 3 --cfg 256 --dataset ffhq_lat --csv $RELATIVE_DATASET_CSV_PATH --data $RELATIVE_DATASET_IMAGES_PATH --classifier_path $RESNET_FFHQ_LS_PATH --downsamples 5 --bias False --class_w 0.1 --skip_layers 2 --skip_kind linear --act_reg l2 --skip_grad_blur gb --learn_mask none --mixing_prob 0.0 --disc_class true --fake_rec false --cycle_w 10 --blur_skip true --blur_msk random --cmap_kind number
The dataset is described with a single csv file, FFHQaging.csv
, similar to the following, where the column is_train
describes if the image is used for training or testing.
fname | agebin_0-2 | agebin_3-6 | agebin_7-9 | agebin_10-14 | agebin_15-19 | agebin_20-29 | agebin_30-39 | agebin_40-49 | agebin_50-69 | agebin_70-120 | is_train |
00000.png | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | TRUE |
00001.png | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | TRUE |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
69999.png | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | FALSE |
You can run the sample notebook in Google Colab.
If used in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Custom structure preservation in face aging},
author={Gomez-Trenado, Guillermo and Lathuili{\`e}re, St{\'e}phane and Mesejo, Pablo and Cord{\'o}n, {\'O}scar},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},
The base code was forked from StyleGAN2-ADA-pytorch