Homework #1


  1. Feynman Writing Prompts - Write out explanations of the following concepts like you are explaining it to a 12 year old. Doing this will help you quickly discover any holes in your understanding. Ask your questions on Slack.

    • Node
    • Chrome's V8 Engine
    • GET request
    • Server
    • express
  2. Fork and clone this repo.

    • Run the command npm init to create a package.json file.
    • Install express npm install --save express
    • Create a file called server.js.
    • require express and create your server app.
    • Tell your app to listen to port 5000 and then start your server with node server.js. (Install nodemon globally if you would like. npm install -g nodemon)
    • Add a route called /name that returns your name.
    • Add a route called /friends that returns an array of some of your friends' names.
    • Add a route called /favorite-film that returns an object that has details about one of your favorite movies.
    • All of these routes are just handling GET requests.

Congratulations on finishing Homework #1!

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