This is a prototype of running sequential impulse for 2D physics simulation on StarkNet.
Sequential Impulse is a famous method for constraint resolution proposed and popularized by Erin Catto, the creator of the physics engine Box2D which powers Angry Bird.
Each physics body (body in short) is described by the following set of attributes:
- center-of-mass coordinate
(Cx, Cy)
- center-of-mass velocity
(V_Cx, V_Cy)
- orientation
- angular velocity around its center-of-mass
The computations involved to advance the physics system at every time step are, in order:
- For each physics body (body in short), calculate its "candidate" next center-of-mass coordinate
and next orientationθ'
based on current velocity(V_Cx, v_Cy)
and angular velocityω
by Euler method. - Apply force e.g. gravity to calculate its "candidate" next velocity
(V_Cx', V_Cy')
- Identify all "position constraints". Iterate through the contraints and resolve each one sequentially, where the resolution of any constraint returns a change in the velocities & angular velocities of the bodies involved in the constraint, which is applied and used by the resolution of the next constraint.
- Use the finalized next velocities
(V_Cx_nxt, V_Cy_nxt)
and angular velocitiesω_nxt
to obtain(Cx_nxt, Cy_nxt)
by Euler method.
A constraint can be:
- contact constraint, which when stated from the velocity standpoint requires
the projection of the relative velocity of the two contact points onto the contact normal is zero
- friction constraint, which when stated from the velocity standpoint requires
the projection of the relative velocity of the two contact points onto the contact tangent plane is zero
- a joint that restricts degree(s) of freedom
- etc
This prototype focuses on resolving contact constraint, taking restitution into consideration. To formalize, given a contact position constraint:
C: (PB-PA) • n ≥ 0
where PB
and PA
are contact points and n
is contact normal, the corresponding velocity constraint dC/dt
can be expressed in the following form:
dC/dt: JV + b = 0
where V is the velocities and angular velocities bundled together as V = [Vax, Vay, Vaz, ωax, ωay, ωaz, Vbx, Vby, Vbz, ωbx, ωby, ωbz]
, b=0
(we will modify this later), and J
is a 12x1 row-vector Jacobian.
After simplification, J
looks like this (in three dimension):
J = [-nx, -ny, 0, 0, 0, (-rax*ny+ray*nx), nx, ny, 0, 0, 0, (rbx*ny-rby*nx)]
where ra=(rax,ray)
is the vector from A's center of mass to A's contact point. likewise for rb
The change in V
can be expressed as:
delta V = M^-1 J^T λ
, where (M = mass * I_3x3
while I
is inertia tensor; λ
is the Lagrangian Multiplier):
[ Ma 0 0 0 ]
M^-1 = [ 0 Ia 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 Mb 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 Ib]
λ = -(JV + b) / (J M^-1 J^T)
Last but not least, to stabilize the bodies at collision as well as adding restitution, instead of b = 0
, we have:
b = b_B + b_R
where b_B
is the Baumgarte Stabilization term:
b_B = -β * d / dt (d is penetration depth. 0<β<1 and is usually chosen close to 0)
and b_R
is the restitution term:
b_R = C_R * 'closing velocity vector of two contact points' dot n
(C_R is the coefficient of restitution; n is the contact normal vector)
- tunneling effect is not dealt with yet.