Gantt chart using the Timevis package in R for monitoring processes

A document repository can also be found in my profile article at Medium.

Using the packages below, I made a query in the database (Oracle) using the function “channel” and I obtained the data from a log table created by us, I transformed the data in R and used Timevis to visualize the data of an easier way.


  • library(shiny)
  • library(timevis)
  • library(RODBC)
  • library(DBI)
  • library(dplyr)
  • library(lubridate)
  • library(reshape2)

I believe that it is not worth me to show the query I made at the db, because it was something specific and created by us, but I will show the final result to show how we managed to find the right solution.

I also used the function "navbarPage" to visualize the graphics created in different tabs and make it more organized.