Mechanical Engineer, Business Intelligence developer, passionate about technology, I have knowledge and experience to create a BI architecture and much more đź“šĂŁo Paulo, Brasil
Pinned Repositories
This is an automation (bot) to play the game BombCrypto, it automatically log in, send heroes to work, refresh workers, new map, etc.
This is an automation (bot) to play the game SpaceCrypto, it automatically log in, send ships to fight, refresh the game, new map, etc.
How to convert an Excel file using a PowerShell script.
This is a game recommendation system project that I developed to put into practice some Machine Learning techniques, so the goal is for the user to add the games that have already been played by him and add it to his profile, and later receive the recommendation of new games.
Get date from Power BI service and be able to make a decision in the BI area
Get a file’s metadata inside the Windows system using a PowerShell script.
With this Python module, you can load a separate file with .ini extension.
This project is a web application designed to help users manage their Home Assistant devices and mappings, focusing on creating virtual three-way switch setups and virtual parallel switch setups throught Node-RED. The application allows users to independently manage their own device configurations and mappings.
In this project you can retrieve metadata from Power BI services from a Powershell script.
guimatheus92's Repositories
Analisando a temperatura mĂ©dia das cidades brasileiras - Primeiro mini projeto do capĂtulo 03 chamado de "Big Data na prática 1", referente ao curso Big Data Analytics with R e Microsoft Azure Machine Learning.
Análise de SĂ©ries Temporais no Mercado Financeiro - Quinto mini projeto do capĂtulo 07 chamado de "Big Data na prática 3", referente ao curso Big Data Analytics com R e Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, da Data Science Academy.
This is the second Udacity project in the Data Foundation Nanodegree. This project focused on using SQL to parse and analyze the data to answer a series of questions. The data is a database of sales of songs that includes albums, artists, tracks, price, units sold, date sold, the location of customers and employee information. All analysis was conducted using SQL. All visualizations were created in Excel and presented in PowerPoint.
Visualizações interativas utilizando o googlevis - Segundo mini projeto do capĂtulo 04 chamado de "Big Data na prática 2", referente ao curso Big Data Analytics with R e Microsoft Azure Machine Learning.
This is the third Udacity project in the Data Foundation Nanodegree. This project focused on cleaning the data from Kaggle to analyze the data to answer a series of questions. The data is a database of flight delays and cancellations information. All visualizations were created on Tableau and presented in PowerPoint.