BeTheHero is an Application based on SemanaOmniStack 11.0
you can use the follow Routes:
/ongs (GET) to see all ongs
/ongs (POST) to include an ONG
- This endpoint require an object like this: { "name": "CuidaPet", "email": "", "whatsapp": "991919191", "city": "Agudos", "uf": "SP" }
/incidents (GET) to see the incidents from a ONG
- This endpoint require a Header request
- Example: Atuthorization = {ong_id}
/incidents (DELETE) to see the incidents from a ONG
- This endpoint require a Header request
- Example: Atuthorization = {ong_id}
/incidents (POST) to see the incidents from a ONG
- This endpoint require a Header request
- Example: Atuthorization = {ong_id}
- This endpoint require an object like this: { "title": "Caso 15", "description": "Detalhes do caso 3", "value": 300 }
/sessions (POST) to include a Session
- This endpoint require an object like this: { "id": "49976c9f" }
/profile (GET) to see the ong profile
- This endpoint require a Header request
- Example: Atuthorization = {ong_id}