
A Dantzig's simplex algorithm to solve linear programming problems (LPP).


Dantzig's Simplex Algorithm

License Version

A Dantzig's simplex algorithm to solve linear programming problems (LPP) with two-phase method to obtain an initial basic feasible solution.

Notice Use SimplexTwoPhase script for educational purposes only. The script is NOT suitable for professional application as it is not meant to be the most efficient, optimized, correct and secure implementation of the Dantzig's simplex algorithm.


The code is written in MATLAB language and supports minization LPP in standard form:

Minimize   cx
subject to Ax = b
            x >= 0

where c is a cost coefficients vector, x is a vector of decision variables, b is a (RHS) vector of minimal requirements to be satisfied (demands), and elements a_ij from A are technological coefficients.


A = [
    1 2 1 0;
    -1 1 0 1
b = [4; 1];
c = [-3 1];
[x z] = simplex_two_phase(A, b, c, false)


x =

z =

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Bazaraa, Mokhtar S., et al. Linear Programming and Network Flows, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2010.