
No programmer, No UART, No problem!

guino opened this issue Β· 809 comments

guino commented

(Side comment you can skip -- Based on the interest in this project I went ahead and spent some more time (a lot actually) in ghidra looking at the boot loader code and managed to get the ppsMmcTool.txt file format figured out and found a way to use it to modify the boot settings in order to run a script in the SD card during boot process of the camera)

I assume the steps below can be used for any device using this PPStrong boot loader (Tuya cameras/doorbells like Geeni, Merkury, Bazz, Meari, etc).

Please check your device firmware version in the phone App OR with http://admin:056565099@192.168.x.x/devices/deviceinfo .

For 2.7.x firmware you should use the information on this project instead:

Special note for 2.9.0 firmware: this firmware is a bit trickier to get RTSP working (mjpeg/snap work the same), so if you have that version you need to use #13 along with the files/steps provided by @DanTLehman here:

For 2.9.x you should be able to use the steps here or in #13 (either method should work).

Special note for 2.10.0 firmwae: This firmware (and newer) have port 80 closed by default -- so to use the http://admin:05656... links below you have to RIGHT CLICK this link: select "Save as.." and save this file to the root of the SD card. EDIT the file (avoid copy/paste the contents of it) and modify only the ssid and password as the file requires specific format to work. When the device detects the file (in the right format) it will disconnect and re-connect the wifi (to the ssid specified) and will OPEN port 80 so the http://admin:05656... links work.

Special note for 4.0.x firmwae: This firmware (and newer) have port 80 closed by default -- so to use the http://admin:05656... links below you have to RIGHT CLICK this link: select "Save as.." and save this file to the root of the SD card. EDIT the file (avoid copy/paste the contents of it) and modify only the ssid and password as the file requires specific format to work. When the device detects the file (in the right format) it will disconnect and re-connect the wifi (to the ssid specified) and will OPEN port 8090 so the http://admin:05656... links work but you have to add :8090 to every URL, for instance: http://admin:056565099@192.168.x.x:8090/devices/deviceinfo. Depending on the device you have you may need to use the information and files from

WARNING: The process below will require a SD card with to always be present during power-on or the device WILL NOT BOOT. If you modify/remove this file the device may not boot. The process is always reversible but keep that in mind. You may choose to use #13 as it does not require a SD card to boot the device (it is a new/improved method).

These are the steps to hack (root) your device:

1-Verify your camera/doorbell is compatible using its local IP address (i.e. 192.168.x.x, etc) -- this is NOT the public IP displayed in the TUYA app (and likely other apps), if you're reading this there's a good chance you know how to find the IP from your router. Open a web browser and load this address: http://admin:056565099@192.168.x.x/proc/cmdline the result (kernel command line) should be something like this:

mem=36 console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ppsWatchInitEnd

Copy/save that response (kernel command line) as we'll need it next (and also in case you want to restore original settings) -- If you get no response, or some very different response, please stop now -- chances are you're using the wrong IP or this won't work for your device (advanced users can still check/try #11 and #12) . Feel free to post your kernel command line if you have questions.

1.1 ADDENDUM-I highly recommend you get a backup of your flash memory using #11 -- there's no risk or side-effect from trying. It's better to have a backup and not need it than needing the backup and not having it.

1.2 ADDENDUM-Open this URL http://admin:056565099@ip/proc/self/root/etc/init.d/S90PPStrong and check if you have these lines:

# debug

If your MTDNUM line does not have a # in front you must use #13. If your line has # in front or you don't have that line, you can proceed with the steps below.

2-Edit the provided 'env' so it has the below contents (following details below):

bootargs=mem=36 console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts=0 ppsWatchInitEnd ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,T

-The part after bootargs= should be the same as you got on step 1 (from your device) with the ppsAppParts=0 (instead of ppsAppParts=5).
-The file has one single line "bootargs=..." and a new line (enter) at the end. It is a long line (on purpose) so it may show up as multiple lines in a browser so please account for it. A sample env file is attached for your conveninence.
-The single line MUST have the same exact size as I posted above (924 characters + new line). Your kernel command line may be different which may require you to adjust (remove or add) to the ThankYou... text so that you match the size of the line.
-There's a 0x00 (Zero character) at the end of the file -- if this is removed by your text editor (ie notepad, etc) you'll need to be sure it is there (or the process will not work). You may need to use a hex editor to change the last character to a "00" making sure there's at least a new line (0A) at the end of the line before the "00". Again the sample env file is a good reference.

3-Copy these 3 files (attached) to the root of a fat32 formatted SD card (do not place them in any 'folders'): env, ppsMmcTool.txt and -- MAKE SURE there's no 'upgrade.bin' file in the SD card or this could cause problems. Be sure to properly 'eject' (or unmount) the SD card before removing it from the computer.

4-Power off your device and insert the SD card with the 3 files in the SD card slot.

5-Press-and-hold the reset button, then power on the device (i.e. power wires/USB cable) and continue holding the reset button for 5 seconds after power on then let the device boot. It will take longer than usual (precisely 10 seconds longer) for it to fully boot up as that's part of the initial boot script.

6-Repeat step 1, this time your kernel command line should look like this:

mem=36 console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts=0 ppsWatchInitEnd ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,T mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppPart

(Notice how the 'ppsAppPart' is cut off at the end -- that's the intention and as long as it doesn't say ppsAppParts=n it should work)

7-Now browse to this address: http://admin:056565099@192.168.x.x/proc/self/root/tmp/hack -- it should say "done" which is the indication everything is working as designed.

8-You can now delete ppsMmcTool.txt and env files from the SD card but there's no harm leaving them there. You MUST always have in the SD card during boot or the device WILL NOT BOOT.

9-Download the mmc files and place them in the SD card (root directory). SEPARATELY download busybox from and place it on the SD card (root directory). Your SD card should look like this:

drwxr-xr-x    2 wagner   root          8192 Dec 31  1979 bin
drwxr-xr-x    2 wagner   root          8192 Dec 31  1979 lib
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root           263 Jan 27 11:29 set
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root          7956 Jan 15 16:47 jpeg-arm
drwxr-xr-x    8 wagner   root          8192 Dec 31  1979 home
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root           102 Dec  4 15:31 ppsMmcTool.txt
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root           927 Dec  4 18:00 env
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root          1115 Dec  5 00:15
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root            40 Nov 24 15:28 passwd
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root       1152216 Nov 23 18:50 busybox
drwxr-xr-x    2 wagner   root          8192 Jan 14 23:13 cgi-bin
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root          1327 Nov 24 00:28 index.html
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root            18 Nov 24 00:22 httpd.conf
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wagner   root           539 Dec  2 16:46
drwxr-xr-x    3 wagner   root          8192 Aug 30 12:10 SDT


  • SDT is created by the device. home, lib and bin are created by the hack once it is installed.
  • busybox should have 1152216 bytes (download link listed above)
  • for telnet access either set the password hash in passwd file (get a hash here usin the calculate 'DES' button and copy the value) OR add -l /bin/sh to the telnetd line in
  • enter a user:password in httpd.conf -- these are plain text values (no hashes).
  • for mjpeg/snap.cgi support you have to adjust the address for JPEG address in snap.cgi and mjpeg.cgi as posted with your ppsapp patch (or found with ghidra) -- this should work even if you don't patch ppsapp (on step below). The URL should be like this: http://user:password@IP:8080/cgi-bin/snap.cgi (with user:password from httpd.conf)

IMPORTANT: The main application on the device will delete the SD card contents when free space is low so backup your files and either disable recording OR let it run the provided cleanup.cgi to prevent your files from being deleted. The last 5 lines of the file will run cleanup.cgi once-a-day by default. You can remove the last 5 lines of if you don't want that to run OR you can disable recording entirely by removing the # from the #/mnt/mmc01/set record_enable 0 in If your device/app doesn't have a motion-only recording (event recording) option you can enable it by removing the # from the line #/mnt/mmc01/set enable_event_record 1 in β€” there are more details here: #2 (comment)

10-For RTSP: DO NOT run a different version of ppsapp on your device or you may brick it. Your original ppsapp can be found under /home/app/ppsapp of the SD card. Please check guino/ppsapp-rtsp#1 to see if your ppsapp has already been patched -- use the site in the first post of the link to patch your own ppsapp file (double check that the md5 matches when patching it) and place it on the root of your SD card with the name ppsapp then reboot. There's a full guide on if you're computer savvy and want to try patching ppsapp yourself. I prefer that you post (create a new issue) your ppsapp (along with http://admin:056565099@192.168.x.x/devices/deviceinfo information) so I patch it than get your flash corrupted by using a corrupt/wrong ppsapp.

NOTE 1: It has also been reported that VLC for MAC has issues playing the RTSP streams from these devices (so try different devices/applications if you have issues with VLC on MAC).
NOTE 2: It has also been reported that the default VLC playback is over UDP and causes the camera to use a lot of CPU/resources and causes it to reboot in about 13 minutes of viewing the RTSP feed. You can fix this by starting VLC like this:

vlc --rtsp-tcp rtsp://ip:8554

OR you can go into VLC settings and selecting RTP over RTSP (TCP) : in 'Simple' mode click 'Tools > Preferences > Input / Codecs and select 'RTP over RTSP (TCP)' at the bottom, them click 'Save'. In 'Advanced' mode click 'Tools > Preferences > Input / Codecs > Demuxers > RTP/RTSP and select 'RTP over RTSP (TCP)' then click 'Save'


If you wish to 'restore' the operation of your camera with SD card (remove the 'hack'):

1-Edit/create the env file to be this:

bootargs=mem=36 console=ttyAMA0,115200n8

NOTE: You should match the mem and console parameters as they were originally (step 1 of install process) and the env file must also have the new line (0x0A) and 0x00 (Zero character) at the end.

2-Copy ppsMmcTool.txt and env to the root of SD card ( is NOT needed).

3-Follow steps 4, 5 and 6 of the install process, on step 6 the kernel command line should look like it was originally (before any changes).

If for some reason you can't get the the script to run please post a copy of your env file (zip format so I can verify it) and your kernel command line (before and after install attempt) so I can take a look.

If you'd like to buy me a beer/coffee in appreciation of the effort I put in to make the above possible, feel free to:
cash app: $wbbo


Thank you so much for sharing this!
At step 6 I'm getting the same text as in step 1. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
This is what I'm getting from step 1:
mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200n8 mtdparts=spi0.0:256k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,2496k(sys),4608k(app),640k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ip=192.168.1.xx::: eth=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Could you please take a look at my env file? Here it is
ppsMmcTool.txt and is also on the root of the sd card. I noticed that a folder called SDT with files is also created when I boot the camera.
I got a Nedis camera (WIFICI20CGY)

@solidssss That basically means that it did not work for you.

I was just trying it out on my Nedis camera (Also Tuya) with the same result. The ppsMmcTool.txt way has eider been patched out or the different cameras are using a different format.

I'll try to hook up my reader to the UART port to see if it shows some kind of error.

Just for notes, my cmdline is similar to yours but still different:
mem=23M ethphy=3#3 console=ttyAMA0,115200 loglevel=0 ppsdebug=off mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg),2240k(sys),5m(app),448k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ip= eth=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Great effort πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

My cmd line is same as @guino, just instead of mem=36 I have mem=37M. Please notice the additional "M". Could this be your problem @rkkoszewski, @solidssss ? I will also try, but have to find a uSD card.

Btw., which fw do you guys have on your cams ?

can you please hack my ppsapp?
my camera is Bullet 4S, firmware version 2.9.7


I can confirm, it works here too ! Great !
Thanks @guino.

Edit: Btw. I have fw version 2.9.6. Still my ppsapp is different in size than the one uploaded by @guino. Time to fire up ghidra...

My cmd line is same as @guino, just instead of mem=36 I have mem=37M. Please notice the additional "M". Could this be your problem @rkkoszewski, @solidssss ? I will also try, but have to find a uSD card.

Btw., which fw do you guys have on your cams ?

I tried without the "M", but it still isn't working.
Here is some info of the device:
{"devname":"Smart Home Camera","model":"Speed 4C","serialno":"xxxxxxxxx","softwareversion":"2.7.4","hardwareversion":"S4C_A1_V10_1245","firmwareversion":"ppstrong-a2-tuya2_teco-"

@guino would it be possible for you to send me the dump of your flash chip? It seems that my readout is corrupted in the part before u-boot which contains the magic part. This is due to my clip not being stable enough. I've removed the chip from the board and get stable readouts now.

guino commented

Thank you so much for sharing this!
At step 6 I'm getting the same text as in step 1. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
This is what I'm getting from step 1:
mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200n8 mtdparts=spi0.0:256k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,2496k(sys),4608k(app),640k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ip=192.168.1.xx::: eth=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Could you please take a look at my env file? Here it is
ppsMmcTool.txt and is also on the root of the sd card. I noticed that a folder called SDT with files is also created when I boot the camera.
I got a Nedis camera (WIFICI20CGY)

@solidssss I sent a request to access the file in google, I'll wait for access or you can just attach the env file here. But I'll tell you right now that if the line didn't change at all, it can only be:
-You didn't hold reset while powering on the device (it can be hard)
-The env file was not correct
-Your firmware may be too different for it to work -- please provide the information from http://admin:056565099@IP/devices/deviceinfo when you can.

guino commented


@rkkoszewski I would expect any device that has that ppsAppParts=5 to work, but I only have looked at 2 firmware files so I have no way of knowing. If you have a UART/TTL 3.3V and can get to the serial terminal it may be helpful if you send me the terminal output while you're powering it on with the reset button pressed (with the 3 files in place). Chances are it will show whatever it is not liking. You can also post the http://admin:056565099@IP/devices/deviceinfo so I have an idea.

guino commented

My cmd line is same as @guino, just instead of mem=36 I have mem=37M. Please notice the additional "M". Could this be your problem @rkkoszewski, @solidssss ? I will also try, but have to find a uSD card.

Btw., which fw do you guys have on your cams ?

Mine is 2.9.6 if I didn't post it before.

guino commented

can you please hack my ppsapp?
my camera is Bullet 4S, firmware version 2.9.7


I will take a look today.

guino commented

I can confirm, it works here too ! Great !
Thanks @guino.

Edit: Btw. I have fw version 2.9.6. Still my ppsapp is different in size than the one uploaded by @guino. Time to fire up ghidra...

It takes me 5 mins if you zip/post it here...

guino commented

My cmd line is same as @guino, just instead of mem=36 I have mem=37M. Please notice the additional "M". Could this be your problem @rkkoszewski, @solidssss ? I will also try, but have to find a uSD card.
Btw., which fw do you guys have on your cams ?

I tried without the "M", but it still isn't working.
Here is some info of the device:
{"devname":"Smart Home Camera","model":"Speed 4C","serialno":"xxxxxxxxx","softwareversion":"2.7.4","hardwareversion":"S4C_A1_V10_1245","firmwareversion":"ppstrong-a2-tuya2_teco-"

This looks like older firmware which should be simpler to get into, I'm going to send you a few links to see if you can provide more information. It is possible your booloader may not even have a password in which case the UART route could be an easy option.

I'm sure that I pressed and held the reset button during power on, I can feel it clicking.
You should be able to access the env file from google drive now.
Here's some info from my device:
{"devname":"Smart Home Camera","model":"Speed 4C","serialno":"xxxxxxxxx","softwareversion":"2.7.4","hardwareversion":"S4C_A1_V10_1245","firmwareversion":"ppstrong-a2-tuya2_teco-"

guino commented

@guino would it be possible for you to send me the dump of your flash chip? It seems that my readout is corrupted in the part before u-boot which contains the magic part. This is due to my clip not being stable enough. I've removed the chip from the board and get stable readouts now.

I will zero my cfg partition and post it since the fw.bin has serial/key info which could cause problems if passed around. Or you can provide me a way to send it privately (email, url, etc).

@guino would it be possible for you to send me the dump of your flash chip? It seems that my readout is corrupted in the part before u-boot which contains the magic part. This is due to my clip not being stable enough. I've removed the chip from the board and get stable readouts now.

I will zero my cfg partition and post it since the fw.bin has serial/key info which could cause problems if passed around. Or you can provide me a way to send it privately (email, url, etc).

Do you have discord? LouD#4930

guino commented

can you please hack my ppsapp?
my camera is Bullet 4S, firmware version 2.9.7


@adwiraguna Here's the patched ppsapp to enable RTSP:
--deleted/not working--

guino commented

Do you have discord? LouD#4930

@LouDnl Sorry don't have discord, I barely have skype/whatsapp. Here's my bin file with the enc and cfg partitions zeroed out:

If your enc and cfg partitions are the same size (or smaller than mine) I would expect you could just copy them into this bin file and flash it to your device. All enc partitions I've seen are 64k and if your cfg partition is bigger there's a good chance most of it is empty which would allow you to just copy the used part into the bin file. Something to try at least.

Do you have discord? LouD#4930

@LouDnl Sorry don't have discord, I barely have skype/whatsapp. Here's my bin file with the enc and cfg partitions zeroed out:

If your enc and cfg partitions are the same size (or smaller than mine) I would expect you could just copy them into this bin file and flash it to your device. All enc partitions I've seen are 64k and if your cfg partition is bigger there's a good chance most of it is empty which would allow you to just copy the used part into the bin file. Something to try at least.

Thanks, both my partitions seem in tact. Will try πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

guino commented

@solidssss your env file appears to be fine. Can you open this http://admin:056565099@IP/proc/self/root/etc/init.d/S90PPStrong and post the response here -- it seems like the bootloader is different (older) and that may be causing the difference. Only way for me to find out would be if you connected onto the UART and provided the output while doing step 5 of the install. If you have a way to plug into the UART email me and we can try a few things.

Well I think I indeed completely bricked my camera πŸ’Έ the led doesn't even come on anymore. Everything gets power but thats about it. This happened before I took off the chip from the pcb when I turned it on but forgot to take off the pcb clip πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ some power must have gone somewhere it shouldnt have.

Gonna check my uart wiring tomorrow because they have power at the pcb. I hope thats it but I dont think so as the led wont even light up.

But as this is really searching for a needle in a haystack I might aswell buy a new one.

guino commented

@LouDnl sorry to hear that - I am assuming you saw my warning about making the 3.3v mod to the programmer. On the UART front I always connect GND, TX and RX (leave power disconnected) and power the camera by normal means (usb or doorbell wiring) - again UART ttl level is 3.3v
I also have noticed that when reading/writing the flash (with pin 6 disconnected) the light on the device would faintly turn on, but I limited connection of the clip to when I needed it.

@LouDnl sorry to hear that - I am assuming you saw my warning about making the 3.3v mod to the programmer. On the UART front I always connect GND, TX and RX (leave power disconnected) and power the camera by normal means (usb or doorbell wiring) - again UART ttl level is 3.3v
I also have noticed that when reading/writing the flash (with pin 6 disconnected) the light on the device would faintly turn on, but I limited connection of the clip to when I needed it.

Yea my uart vcc isnt connected either, I meant the rx/tx have power from the chip like they should but something else isnt working. I didn't mod my ch341a board, havent had any problems in the past but I should have been more carefull. All other times I took the clip straight off, if it even stayed on as they usually dont. But this time it did and I forgot about it when I turned it on. So something backfired and I dont know what.

can you please hack my ppsapp?
my camera is Bullet 4S, firmware version 2.9.7

@adwiraguna Here's the patched ppsapp to enable RTSP:
--deleted not working--

thank you very much @guino, but different from your original ppsapp-rtsp it doesn't open rtsp stream on port 8554.

guino commented

can you please hack my ppsapp?
my camera is Bullet 4S, firmware version 2.9.7

@adwiraguna Here's the patched ppsapp to enable RTSP:
--deleted not working--

thank you very much @guino, but different from your original ppsapp-rtsp it doesn't open rtsp stream on port 8554.

I will run it on mine and see what the log shows - if you enabled Telnet on yours you should be able to kill the running ppsapp and run this one from the terminal and see it it starts rtsp on a different port or if it shows an error.

can you please hack my ppsapp?
my camera is Bullet 4S, firmware version 2.9.7

@adwiraguna Here's the patched ppsapp to enable RTSP:
--deleted not working--

thank you very much @guino, but different from your original ppsapp-rtsp it doesn't open rtsp stream on port 8554.

I will run it on mine and see what the log shows - if you enabled Telnet on yours you should be able to kill the running ppsapp and run this one from the terminal and see it it starts rtsp on a different port or if it shows an error.

I'm having trouble login to telnet, because I don't know the correct hash to use in passwd file

guino commented

I'm having trouble login to telnet, because I don't know the correct hash to use in passwd file

Do a passwordless telnet , just run telnetd like this:

/mnt/mmc01/busybox tenetd -l /bin/sh

Here is my ppsapp. This is from a Mercury MI-CW017-101W 1080P camera from Walmart. Firmware: 2.9.6
Does this need patched to get RTSP to work? Not sure of the next steps.

Here is my cmdline:
mem=37M console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ppsWatchInitEnd

I dont see a and I dont know how to flash your ppsapp-rtsp file.

thank you very much @guino, but different from your original ppsapp-rtsp it doesn't open rtsp stream on port 8554.

I will run it on mine and see what the log shows - if you enabled Telnet on yours you should be able to kill the running ppsapp and run this one from the terminal and see it it starts rtsp on a different port or if it shows an error.

@guino the program log doesn't contain any "rtsp" or "echoshow_init"

guino commented

@guino the program log doesn't contain any "rtsp" or "echoshow_init"

Can you provide a copy of the terminal output? You can blank out any keys and such, it looks like on your version there was nothing calling the function that checks if it should run the echoshow code. Did you try my ppsapp by any chance?

I tried your version on my doorbell and it froze up.

guino commented

Here is my ppsapp. This is from a Mercury MI-CW017-101W 1080P camera from Walmart. Firmware: 2.9.6
Does this need patched to get RTSP to work? Not sure of the next steps.

Here is my cmdline:
mem=37M console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ppsWatchInitEnd

I dont see a and I dont know how to flash your ppsapp-rtsp file.

Did you follow the steps in the first post above to install the hack? If you did and everything worked, just copy my ppsapp-rtsp as β€œppsapp” to the SD card, copy my file and uncomment the bottom section of that runs Those files that are not in the first post above are here:

If my ppsapp (same version as yours) doesn’t work I can look/patch yours, just let me know.

@guino the program log doesn't contain any "rtsp" or "echoshow_init"

Can you provide a copy of the terminal output? You can blank out any keys and such, it looks like on your version there was nothing calling the function that checks if it should run the echoshow code. Did you try my ppsapp by any chance?

I tried your version on my doorbell and it froze up.

@guino here the output

yes, I tried your version and it open rtsp port but on my smart life app the camera shown as Doorbell not as outdoor camera, and after a few minutes looks like ppsapp is crashed

guino commented

There isn't a file. That's what i don't know how to do without it.

It is there with all mmc files:

@solidssss your env file appears to be fine. Can you open this http://admin:056565099@IP/proc/self/root/etc/init.d/S90PPStrong and post the response here -- it seems like the bootloader is different (older) and that may be causing the difference. Only way for me to find out would be if you connected onto the UART and provided the output while doing step 5 of the install. If you have a way to plug into the UART email me and we can try a few things.

@guino I have a raspberry pi 4 that I use to flash devices with, but I'm not sure where to connect wires to the camera. Maybe you can help me if I email you?
Here's the output from S90PPStrong:


export PATH=/usr/bin:/sbin/:/usr/sbin:/bin


echo "${GREEN} 2015 PPStrong Tech Cop.Ltd.${NORMAL}"

mkdir -p /opt/pps
MTDNUM=`cat /proc/cmdline | sed 's/.*ppsAppParts=\([0-9]\).*/\1/'`

# debug

case $MTDNUM in
			mount -t cramfs /dev/mtdblock$MTDNUM /opt/pps
			mount -t cramfs /dev/mtdblock$MTDNUM /opt/pps
			sleep 10
			mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1 /opt/pps
			mount -t cramfs /dev/mtdblock$MTDNUM /opt/pps

echo "/opt/pps/" > /tmp/PPStrong.runpath
[ -e /opt/pps/ ] && cp /opt/pps/ /tmp/PPStart && chmod +x /tmp/PPStart && /tmp/PPStart
guino commented

Ok here's something I just found out: I ran the ppsapp 2.9.7 (newer than mine 2.9.6) on my device and it changed something in the SPI flash to where it no longer would boot!
Based on the above I will strongly recommend NOT running any ppsapp newer than your original version or it might make changes to your SPI flash that are incompatible with your original version. I can only expect running an older version of ppsapp (i.e. my 2.9.6) on a board with newer firmware (2.9.7+) is ok because it won't think there's anything needed to 'upgrade'. But I found out the hard way and had to use the programmer to restore my flash.

guino commented

@guino here the output

yes, I tried your version and it open rtsp port but on my smart life app the camera shown as Doorbell not as outdoor camera, and after a few minutes looks like ppsapp is crashed

I am going to look at your ppsapp version again and try to 'inject' a call to the RTSP start function -- that will be new territory but I think it can be done -- just need to find some code that doesn't run to overwrite it (your log will be helpful for that).

guino commented

@solidssss your S90PPStrong is what we want it to be so the only reason for it to fail is that the commands in ppsMmcTool.txt failed. The only way we can move forward with your board would be for you to get your UART work OR you could potentially update to a newer firmware (hopefully 2.9.6) so the bootloader works like mine (so the patch works). Ideally it would be best to get a copy of your flash first (which would require a programmer) in case you wanted to go back to it, but it's your call.

guino commented

Here is my ppsapp. This is from a Mercury MI-CW017-101W 1080P camera from Walmart. Firmware: 2.9.6
Does this need patched to get RTSP to work? Not sure of the next steps.

Here is my cmdline:
mem=37M console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ppsWatchInitEnd

I dont see a and I dont know how to flash your ppsapp-rtsp file.

I can look/patch your ppsapp -- I will try to do it soon.
I assume you got it by uncommenting the command in after you installed the hack ?
Your command line is exactly as mine so there's a very good chance you have similar version of firmware as I do and I would expect everything to work once I patch the ppsapp for rtsp.

@solidssss your S90PPStrong is what we want it to be so the only reason for it to fail is that the commands in ppsMmcTool.txt failed. The only way we can move forward with your board would be for you to get your UART work OR you could potentially update to a newer firmware (hopefully 2.9.6) so the bootloader works like mine (so the patch works). Ideally it would be best to get a copy of your flash first (which would require a programmer) in case you wanted to go back to it, but it's your call.

In the tuya app, it says it has the latest firmware (2.7.4). So I guess the only way to update firmware is with UART?
I don''t know where to connect the wires on the board to read/write the flash. Maybe you or someone else know?
Here's a image of the board (Nedis WIFICI20CGY):
The wires in the picture goes to diffrent motors for pan/tilting and speaker.
On the backside of the board its just some resistors, capacitors and sd-card reader. No pads.

@solidssss your S90PPStrong is what we want it to be so the only reason for it to fail is that the commands in ppsMmcTool.txt failed. The only way we can move forward with your board would be for you to get your UART work OR you could potentially update to a newer firmware (hopefully 2.9.6) so the bootloader works like mine (so the patch works). Ideally it would be best to get a copy of your flash first (which would require a programmer) in case you wanted to go back to it, but it's your call.

In the tuya app, it says it has the latest firmware (2.7.4). So I guess the only way to update firmware is with UART?
I don''t know where to connect the wires on the board to read/write the flash. Maybe you or someone else know?
Here's a image of the board (Nedis WIFICI20CGY):
The wires in the picture goes to diffrent motors for pan/tilting and speaker.
On the backside of the board its just some resistors, capacitors and sd-card reader. No pads.

Can you show the other side of the board? The uart pins are on the top side of the chip, so looking at this picture they are most likely on the other side.

Oh, I missed 4 pads on the other side. Could it be them? Where do I connect tx/rx and gnd?

Oh, I missed 4 pads on the other side. Could it be them? Where do I connect tx/rx and gnd?

Well they could be, but looking at where they are going, they end up on the bottom side of the chip. Pinout shows uart at the top. Maybe they go through an inside layer. Just test them and youll know

Just measured those 4 pads on the bottom, its 1 gnd + 3 3.3v. On the other side all of the pads are either gnd or 3.3/5v, except for the 4 pads near the motor cables, they are probably just for the motor. I don't know where to connect rx/tx.
I may be wrong but, tx/rx cannot be on 3.3/5v right?

Just measured those 4 pads on the bottom, its 1 gnd + 3 3.3v. On the other side all of the pads are either gnd or 3.3/5v, except for the 4 pads near the motor cables, they are probably just for the motor. I don't know where to connect rx/tx.
I may be wrong but, tx/rx cannot be on 3.3/5v right?

Well that could be your uart.

@guino: I've patched my ppsapp to enable rtsp, but unfortunately it seems to fail with something like:

[2020-12-6 13:52:19.958] tuya_ipc_echoshow.c tuya_ipc_echoshow_init(821) begin___, video channel: 0
[13:52:19.957 DEBUG tuya_pps_media.c:992] Init EchoShow[01-01 01:00:10-- TUYA Err][tuya_ipc_echoshow.c:861] create log seq <http> fail..0
[2020-12-6 13:52:19.958] tuya_ipc_echoshow.c tuya_ipc_echoshow_init(864) end___, video step(6000), audio step(2)

There is no mentioning of rtsp in the log. Could you please share the relevant part of your patched ppsapp ?

Thanks in advance !

Just measured those 4 pads on the bottom, its 1 gnd + 3 3.3v. On the other side all of the pads are either gnd or 3.3/5v, except for the 4 pads near the motor cables, they are probably just for the motor. I don't know where to connect rx/tx.
I may be wrong but, tx/rx cannot be on 3.3/5v right?

Well that could be your uart.

Nope, sadly it was controlls for one of the motors. I'm stuck now

@guino: Please forget my question... I was patching the wrong address. After correction, it simply works !

Some more details about my setup:

  • video doorbell bought from Action NL
  • firmware version 2.9.6
  • size of ppsapp executable: 4090336 bytes
  • versions:
    TUYA IPC SDK V:4.7.10

@guino, maybe it's useful to create a ppsapp version table here.
for instance:

firmware version hardware version original ppsapp MD5 device patched ppsapp
ppstrong-c51-tuya2_lcs- BE8S_H1_V10_433 50AD9C96C65C0E446D8B3D5C8C828957 Action LSC Doorbell

etc cetera. It will probably save you from a lot of ghidra work for each and every specific ppsapp πŸ˜„

Busy last 24h here. Just catching up now.

Everything mostly works fine on the Energizer Connect doorbell (bell5s clone). The ppsapp / ppsapp-rtsp in the repo caused a kernel panic I'm assuming, device frozen. The referenced ppsapp with rtsp for 720p cams would crash, but continually get reloaded via the ./ loop, so the device doesnt freeze up at least. In the latter scenario, the device had to be re-paired with the app, like it lost its config contents. This worked a few times, now does not. This has however created an interesting problem, the device (which was registered in tuya/energizer connect (same service)), now shows as registered to another user and needs to be unbound from that user before I can pair it again to my app(s). I havn't had a chance to dig in to it, perhaps ppsapp updates the tuya .db located on the device. It prompts for pairing on every boot now, but once pairing fails for the above reason, it continues booting. So it's a "cloud authorization" issue for now. I'll dig in to it and report what I find.

Well for now this adventure looks over for me. Everything gets power but the led on the board no longer turns on (not broken).
There do not seem to be any short circuits as even the rx and tx of the uart get the right ttl levels but no information comes through.
For reference here are some pictures of my camera's board. Bought at Action NL and branded as LSC Smart Connect indoor IP-camera.

I didn't see this ppsapp version posted yet. Diving into Ghidra now to see if I can patch it myself πŸ˜„ 🀞


firmware version hardware version original ppsapp MD5 device
ppstrong-c51-tuya2_lcs- BE8S_H1_V10_433 50AD9C96C65C0E446D8B3D5C8C828957 Action LSC Doorbell
guino commented

I didn't see this ppsapp version posted yet. Diving into Ghidra now to see if I can patch it myself smile crossed_fingers

firmware version hardware version original ppsapp MD5 device
ppstrong-c51-tuya2_lcs- BE8S_H1_V10_433 50AD9C96C65C0E446D8B3D5C8C828957 Action LSC Doorbell

Love the idea, obviously we'll need cooperation from everyone to post their patched file along with version. I would say it's better to post it on a separate issue (that only contains the list) so people don't have to keep digging thru this discussion to find anything useful.

I totally agree.

@jilleb How do I get the required table data ?

guino commented

I created a new issue for anyone to post RTSP patched ppsapp: issue #3 -- @jandy123 the way to get the information is on the first post.

@jilleb Well, yours is done already ;) Have a look here: issue #3

@guino: Now that we have telnet, ftp, rtsp, how about the next steps ?

  • protect from fw updates. Already when I start tuyasmart it asks me about fw. update. @guino: Would a fw update by safe ?
  • gain access to plain mqtt. Tuya use encrypted mqtt communication, which makes difficult to use e.g. localtuya with hassio.

@guino: Now that we have telnet, ftp, rtsp, how about the next steps ?

  • protect from fw updates. Already when I start tuyasmart it asks me about fw. update. @guino: Would a fw update by safe ?
  • gain access to plain mqtt. Tuya use encrypted mqtt communication, which makes difficult to use e.g. localtuya with hassio.

add onvif-features :-)
make it Synology Surveillance Station intercom-compabitle πŸ˜‹

guino commented

Busy last 24h here. Just catching up now.

Everything mostly works fine on the Energizer Connect doorbell (bell5s clone). The ppsapp / ppsapp-rtsp in the repo caused a kernel panic I'm assuming, device frozen. The referenced ppsapp with rtsp for 720p cams would crash, but continually get reloaded via the ./ loop, so the device doesnt freeze up at least. In the latter scenario, the device had to be re-paired with the app, like it lost its config contents. This worked a few times, now does not. This has however created an interesting problem, the device (which was registered in tuya/energizer connect (same service)), now shows as registered to another user and needs to be unbound from that user before I can pair it again to my app(s). I havn't had a chance to dig in to it, perhaps ppsapp updates the tuya .db located on the device. It prompts for pairing on every boot now, but once pairing fails for the above reason, it continues booting. So it's a "cloud authorization" issue for now. I'll dig in to it and report what I find.

This makes me think they may be hard coding some information into the ppsapp which could be causing random issues. I think we should probably stop trying to use ppsapp from different versions/models to avoid getting into an unrecoverable situation. The safest thing to do is to just get a copy of the ppsapp and have it patched (yourself or post here for us to patch).

guino commented

@guino: Now that we have telnet, ftp, rtsp, how about the next steps ?

* protect from fw updates. Already when I start tuyasmart it asks me about fw. update. @guino: Would a fw update by safe ?

* gain access to plain mqtt. Tuya use encrypted mqtt communication, which makes difficult to use e.g. localtuya with hassio.

Protect FW Updates: the app I use (TUYA) has an option to disable automatic updates which is what I did. If you want to update, I would recommend restoring the original settings (disabling the hack), then updating then installing the hack and patching ppsapp again. You may be able to get away with running your own old ppsapp but that probably defeats the purpose of updating.

Having telnet and ppsconfig along with access to the partitions you should be able to pull whatever secret keys and such required for whatever you want. If you just want to 'monitor' the device then I would say the quickest/easiest thing would be to make a script that monitors the output of ppsapp and sends notifications (motion, doorbell push, etc) to whatever you want on your local network -- probably way easier than trying to 'talk' to the tuya interface. In any case having the ppsapp code from ghidra can probably help in figuring out protocol/settings/etc but that would take a lot of work which is beyond the time I want to spend on this.

ONVIF: It would probably be easier to setup something (even outside the device) that advertises the RTSP stream from the camera using ONVIF as I believe that's how that works.

Here is my ppsapp. This is from a Mercury MI-CW017-101W 1080P camera from Walmart. Firmware: 2.9.6
Does this need patched to get RTSP to work? Not sure of the next steps.
Here is my cmdline:
mem=37M console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ppsWatchInitEnd
I dont see a and I dont know how to flash your ppsapp-rtsp file.

I can look/patch your ppsapp -- I will try to do it soon.
I assume you got it by uncommenting the command in after you installed the hack ?
Your command line is exactly as mine so there's a very good chance you have similar version of firmware as I do and I would expect everything to work once I patch the ppsapp for rtsp.

THanks! yes I got the hack to work great. I can try your ppsapp and Still trying to figure out how. I assume I put them both on the SD card, remove the # from the custom routine and thats it? Then I can search for the RTSP url with my iSpy app?

guino commented

@lschafroth Please see the ppsapp-rtsp for your device here: #3 (comment)

guino commented

@guino: How did you disable fw updates ? I couldn't find any setting in the android tuya smart app...

@jandy123 There's an option in the IOS APP: Click on camera (to view the live feed) then click the 'edit' button on top-left, then click on 'Device Update':

I put the ppsapp and the in the root of the sd card. Booted the camera. I can go to the url of the camera http://ip:80/cgi-bin and it prompts for a username and password. Does this mean the custom ppsapp was not installed?

guino commented

I put the ppsapp and the in the root of the sd card. Booted the camera. I can go to the url of the camera http://ip:80/cgi-bin and it prompts for a username and password. Does this mean the custom ppsapp was not installed?

You need to do this:
1-place the patched ppsapp-rtsp (that I posted on #3 for your camera) on the root of the SD card with the name 'ppsapp'
2-Edit the so the last lines at the bottom (between while... and .done) are NOT commented -- in order to run
3-copy from the project to the root of the SD card
4-reboot the camera
5-view the live feed with rtsp://IP:8554

There should not be a user/password. The :80 address is the camera web server address (not for RTSP).

Busy last 24h here. Just catching up now.

Everything mostly works fine on the Energizer Connect doorbell (bell5s clone). The ppsapp / ppsapp-rtsp in the repo caused a kernel panic I'm assuming, device frozen. The referenced ppsapp with rtsp for 720p cams would crash, but continually get reloaded via the ./ loop, so the device doesnt freeze up at least. In the latter scenario, the device had to be re-paired with the app, like it lost its config contents. This worked a few times, now does not. This has however created an interesting problem, the device (which was registered in tuya/energizer connect (same service)), now shows as registered to another user and needs to be unbound from that user before I can pair it again to my app(s). I havn't had a chance to dig in to it, perhaps ppsapp updates the tuya .db located on the device. It prompts for pairing on every boot now, but once pairing fails for the above reason, it continues booting. So it's a "cloud authorization" issue for now. I'll dig in to it and report what I find.

This worked stellar if anyone else has the issue I described above. Just remember to rename it in you MMC root, and ensure the custom script is enabled from the main initscript

guino commented

This worked stellar if anyone else has the issue I described above. Just remember to rename it in you MMC root, and ensure the custom script is enabled from the main initscript

Can you post it with the firmware info on #3 ?

This worked stellar if anyone else has the issue I described above. Just remember to rename it in you MMC root, and ensure the custom script is enabled from the main initscript

Can you post it with the firmware info on #3 ?

Spoke too soon, no RTSP. Soo close. i'll keep plugging away. Sorry, finally had it boot and run properly so figured it was gold.

guino commented

I did that. It boots up and using VLC to try the rtsp feed it says cannot connect to device. Do I need to remove the and ppsapp after the initial run or does it always have to be there on the SD card?

@lschafroth You will need to keep ppsapp,, forever in the SD card. If you remove ppsapp or then your patched ppsapp will not run. You only have to do the 'install' process at the top once and never again (unless you want to remove it), and once it's patched you just update the SD card files and reboot to make them effective. If the app is working fine but no RTSP I may need to review the patch.

guino commented

@adwiraguna please try this revised ppsapp-rtsp file -- I added a call to the echoshow init function which was missing, but keep in mind this is uncharted territory -- there's a chance the app may freeze and you'll have to restart the device (in which case you may need to remove SD card, replace the ppsapp, insert the card and reboot).

Just tried this as well, works fine but still no RTSP. However, 8554 is now open on a port scan, where it was not prior. Closer.

guino commented

Same results. Boots up. I can get to the web via IP/cgi-bin to confirm the correct IP address, but no luck with VLC. Lannie

@lschafroth I reviewed the changes and I can see the code is in fact calling the echo show start function. Can you please make a zip of a few files from your SD card so I can check them? I need a zip with your:, and ppsapp.
If everything looks ok I'll make a change on your so it logs the ppsapp output to the SD card so you can post for review.

guino commented

Just tried this as well, works fine but still no RTSP. However, 8554 is now open on a port scan, where it was not prior. Closer.

It is possible that some other code may be disabled in the RTSP related features OR I may have called the function to start it a little too early in the main sub.

Just tried this as well, works fine but still no RTSP. However, 8554 is now open on a port scan, where it was not prior. Closer.

It is possible that some other code may be disabled in the RTSP related features OR I may have called the function to start it a little too early in the main sub.

Heres the stock ppsapp, Bell5s clone, energizer connect 2.9.7

guino commented

@russinnes Can you try this one:
I moved the call to start the RTSP server to after most of the initialization was done (to be more like on my camera) -- if this doesn't work then we would have to dig thru a lot of code to get this working -- which means it may be simpler to find a different ppsapp (older version to prevent it from trying to change stuff ?) that works.But I would only try different versions if you have a programmer to backup/restore in case something goes wrong.

@russinnes Can you try this one:
I moved the call to start the RTSP server to after most of the initialization was done (to be more like on my camera) -- if this doesn't work then we would have to dig thru a lot of code to get this working -- which means it may be simpler to find a different ppsapp (older version to prevent it from trying to change stuff ?) that works.But I would only try different versions if you have a programmer to backup/restore in case something goes wrong.

No luck, again 8554 is open but nothing on it.

Make sure it has connection to Tuya while you're doing it.
I tried disabling internet access for the doorbell, but it will also disable RTSP output after some time.

Make sure it has connection to Tuya while you're doing it.
I tried disabling internet access for the doorbell, but it will also disable RTSP output after some time.

Yes, it did. All other functionality was good, just no rtsp.

guino commented

@jilleb That's good to know about the cloud connection requirement.
@russinnes Do you have recording enabled (to record video/motion to the SD card)? I wonder if that may prevent the RTSP from working -- I have and always had recording of 'motion' events to the SD card.

@jilleb That's good to know about the cloud connection requirement.
@russinnes Do you have recording enabled (to record video/motion to the SD card)? I wonder if that may prevent the RTSP from working -- I have and always had recording of 'motion' events to the SD card.

Yes, no luck

guino commented

@jilleb That's good to know about the cloud connection requirement.
@russinnes Do you have recording enabled (to record video/motion to the SD card)? I wonder if that may prevent the RTSP from working -- I have and always had recording of 'motion' events to the SD card.

Yes, no luck

I modied the one you provided so you can try -- it seems very similar to the other but who knows. Comparing yours with mine they seem to be very similar although I did see some 'tls' stuff on yours that I didn't see on mine -- maybe it is expecting TLS to that port on the new version ? I have not looked too far into it.
If this doesn't work, I would suggest you to run the ppsapp with a redirect to a log file so we can see the output which may reveal the issue.

guino commented

Here are my 3 files. The ppsapp is the 2.9.7 you sent me. Lannie

Your files did not come thru -- you need to go on github and reply attaching the files (email replies don't post any attachments)

@jilleb That's good to know about the cloud connection requirement.
@russinnes Do you have recording enabled (to record video/motion to the SD card)? I wonder if that may prevent the RTSP from working -- I have and always had recording of 'motion' events to the SD card.

Yes, no luck

I modied the one you provided so you can try -- it seems very similar to the other but who knows. Comparing yours with mine they seem to be very similar although I did see some 'tls' stuff on yours that I didn't see on mine -- maybe it is expecting TLS to that port on the new version ? I have not looked too far into it.
If this doesn't work, I would suggest you to run the ppsapp with a redirect to a log file so we can see the output which may reveal the issue.


guino commented

@russinnes was this log from the original or modified ppsapp? I don’t even see where it calls the echoshow function I added so either it is the original ppsapp or I botched something.

@russinnes was this log from the original or modified ppsapp? I don’t even see where it calls the echoshow function I added so either it is the original ppsapp or I botched something.

Thats from the one you touched. Both stdout + stderr in that log. I'll run it again just to verify, but I am 99.9999% certain.

@guino: Could you please share some info about finding the location of the ring buffers in ppsapp so that I could get the cgi-bin goodies running ?

guino commented

I make a write up with instructions and a few pics.

@guido: Great ! Looking forward for it...

guino commented

@russinnes I think I found something else that needed changing -- this one should at least show something in stderr about init echoshow...

@russinnes Can you try this one:
I moved the call to start the RTSP server to after most of the initialization was done (to be more like on my camera) -- if this doesn't work then we would have to dig thru a lot of code to get this working -- which means it may be simpler to find a different ppsapp (older version to prevent it from trying to change stuff ?) that works.But I would only try different versions if you have a programmer to backup/restore in case something goes wrong.

this works perfectly, thank you @guino

edit: rtsp is now working, even tough the log still doesn't contain any echoshow or rtsp. here's the log for your references

heres a cap of my running log, sadly no RTSP with vlc but Ill play at my end.
/mnt/mmc01 # cat ppsapp.log | grep rtsp
[12-06 18:05:38-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:555] begin___
Accept: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled
Accept: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled
[12-06 18:05:50-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:508] begin___, client sockfd(56)!
[12-06 18:05:50-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:513] find a free worker(0) to do...
[12-06 18:05:50-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:542] end___
[12-06 18:05:50-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:420] begin___, (0x7e2358)
[12-06 18:05:50-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:455]
SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
[12-06 18:05:54-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:508] begin___, client sockfd(58)!
[12-06 18:05:54-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:513] find a free worker(1) to do...
[12-06 18:05:54-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:542] end___
[12-06 18:05:54-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:420] begin___, (0x7e2514)
[12-06 18:05:54-- TUYA Warn][rtsp_server.c:458] errno: 104, msg: Connection reset by peer
[12-06 18:05:54-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:497] end___, (0x7e2514)
[12-06 18:07:04-- TUYA Err][rtsp_server.c:463] recv 0 byte data, exit!
[12-06 18:07:04-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:497] end___, (0x7e2358)
Accept: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled
Accept: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled
[12-06 18:07:07-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:508] begin___, client sockfd(44)!
[12-06 18:07:07-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:513] find a free worker(0) to do...
[12-06 18:07:07-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:542] end___
[12-06 18:07:07-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:420] begin___, (0x7e2358)
[12-06 18:07:07-- TUYA Info][rtsp_server.c:455]
SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0