Auth and authorization generic microservice
- Authentication by credentials
- Authorization by JWT token
curl -X POST {HOST}/user -d '{"userid":"","password_hash":"","payload":{}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'FEED-API-KEY: {feed API key}'
flowchart TD
Z[Upsert user data] --> Y(POST request with\nuser data);
Y --> VK{Is valid FEED-API-KEY?};
VK -- yes --> DB[(saves user data)] --> R(202 ACCEPTED);
VK -- no --> RN(401 UNAUTHORIZED);
curl -X DELETE {HOST}/user/{userid} -H 'FEED-API-KEY: {feed API key}'
flowchart TD
Z[Delete user data] --> Y(DELETE request with\nuser id);
Y --> VK{Is valid FEED-API-KEY?};
VK -- yes --> DUD{user id is in database?};
VK -- no --> RN(401 UNAUTHORIZED);
DUD -- yes --> DB[(delete user data)] --> C[(remove all cached\nitems from user)] --> R(202 ACCEPTED);
DUD -- no --> R(202 ACCEPTED)
curl -X POST {HOST}/auth -d '{"username":"","password":""} -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
200 { "data":"token" }
401 { "data":"UNAUTHORIZED" }
flowchart TD
Z[Auth] --> Y(request with credentials) --> Q[(Database)];
Q --> U{User exists?};
U -- yes --> CBP{is last bad password\nrequest timestamp less\nthan 30 seconds?};
CBP -- yes --> URR(unauthorized response 425);
CBP -- no --> UE{is\npassword\nvalid?};
UE -- yes --> GT(generates token) --> ST[(stores token and\n user data in cache)];
ST --> DB[(register token by user id)] --> R(token response 200);
UE -- no --> IBP(register last bad password\nrequest timestamp) --> UR(unauthorized\nresponse 401);
U -- no --> UR(unauthorized\nresponse 401);
curl {HOST}/auth -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
200 { "data": { ... user data ...}}
401 { "data": "UNAUTHORIZED" }
404 { "data": "NOT FOUND" }
flowchart TD
Z[Auth] --> Y(request\nwith token);
Y --> C[(cache)] --> QC{is token\nin cache?};
QC -- yes --> QCV{is token\nstill valid?};
QC -- no --> RE(user not found 404)
QCV -- yes --> R(user data\nresponse 200);
QCV -- no --> UR(expired token\nresponse 401);
From a current valid token, get a special token, just used to refresh the current before it get expired.
curl {HOST}/refresh -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
200 { "data": "new token" }
401 { "data": "UNAUTHORIZED" }
flowchart TD
Z[Refresh] --> Y(request\nwith token);
Y --> C[(cache)] --> QC{is token\nin cache?};
QC -- yes --> RT[(remove old token\nfrom cache)] --> GT(generates token);
QC -- no --> GT(generates token);
GT --> ST[(stores token and\n user data in cache)] ;
ST --> UR[(unregister old\ntoken by user id)];
UR --> R(token response 200);