This is a library to read data from EP Solar Tracer Solar Charge Controller with using Arduino.
To use this library, SomeSerial library is needed. Please install also that.
Tracer Solar Charge Controller has a LAN cable port.
Pins of the ports have the following role.
Pin num | Role |
1 | +12v |
2 | ? |
3 | +12V |
4 | GND |
5 | TXD(3.3V) |
6 | RXD(3.3V) |
7 | GND |
8 | GND |
You can connect the pins and arduino like this.
For 5v Arduino.
- +12v -> 5v regulator -> Arduino VIN
- GND -> Arduino GND
- TXD -> Arduino RX
- /- Arduino TX (5v)
[ 1K register ]
|- RXD (3.3v)
[ 2K register ]
\- GND
For 3.3v Arduino.
- +12v -> 3.3v regulator -> Arduino VIN
- GND -> Arduino GND
- TXD -> Arduino RX
- RXD -> Arduino TX
#include "TracerSolarChargeController.h"
TracerSolarChargeController chargeController(10, 11); // RX, TX
TracerSolarChargeController chargeController(&Serial);
if (chargeController.update()) {
// succeeded process
} else {
// failed process
The instance communicates with charge controller and updates its values.
You can see wall values of charge controller via serial output.
Load is on
Load current: 0.02
Battery level: 25.07/29.16
Battery full: no
Temperature: 14
Panel voltage: 0.30
Charging: no
Charge current: 0.00
float current_voltage = carge_controller.battery;
You can check public values.
float batteryVolt; // Current battery voltage.
float panelVolt; // Current panel voltage.
float loadCurrent; // ?
float overDischarge; // ?
float batteryMax; // Voltage to stop charging by the controller.
uint8_t full; // Return true if the battery is full.
uint8_t charging; // Return true if the controller is charging.
int8_t temp; // Temperature of the controller.
float chargeAmp; // Charging ampere.
#include "TracerSolarChargeController.h"
TracerSolarChargeController chargeController(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (chargeController.update()) {
if ( chargeController.batteryVolt > 26.3 ) {
Serial.println('Battery voltage is high!');
} else if ( chargeController.batteryVolt < 24.0 ) {
Serial.println('Battery voltage is low!');
} else {
Serial.println('Battery voltage is normal.');
} else {
Serial.println("failed to update");