AAVE Liquidation Bot & Flashloans.

  1. Get all Loans via Borrow Events
const _loans = await LendingPool.getPastEvents("Borrow", {
        filter: {},
        fromBlock: 0,
        toBlock: 'latest'

// Get  _resrve , _user & _amount from every loans log
let {_reserve, _user,_amount,_referral, timestamp} = _borrowEvent.returnValues;
  1. Call Lendingpool.getUserAccountData method with _user parameter
    let _loanData = await getUserAccountData(_user).call(); 
  1. Get HealthFactor value
let healthFactorBN = new BigNumber(healthFactor).dividedBy(10 ** 18); 
if (healthFactorBN.isLessThanOrEqualTo(1)) {
    _unsafeLoans.push(_loanData); // Collect Unsafe loans 
  1. Call LendingPool liquidationCall() function (if you have assets in your wallaet account)


  1. Call LendingPool flashLoan() get instant loanand liquidate without providing capital. // See contracts/LiquidationWithFlashLoans.sol

Forking Block From Mainnet to Ganache


ganache-cli --fork https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/{infura_project_id}@{block_number}

ganache-cli --fork https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/716a47f6015f4235aa0b8b36e8280334@14310756  -u 0x4CfaAc23D3e08C0B747449efA72756e61E7A5416

ganache-cli --fork https://kovan.infura.io/v3/716a47f6015f4235aa0b8b36e8280334  --unlock 0x4CfaAc23D3e08C0B747449efA72756e61E7A5416

Run Parity Node.

--light Have a limitation , cant fetch logs more than 1000 blocks. parity --chain=kovan --ws-apis="eth,net,web3,personal,web3,pubsub,parity,parity_pubsub" --jsonrpc-apis=all